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  1. yamin

    Male or female? Help a new girl out.

    if ur seeing balls and white hairs then its a hermi otherwise only balls means male
  2. yamin

    First clones... 100% success.... Thanks RIU(pic)

    thats what i want 2 check.... the harvest quantity depends on strain.... some yield more topped...
  3. yamin

    Male or female? Help a new girl out.

    pic isnt good enough to tell... how far into flowering ru?? if u only see hairs..... and no balls what so ever then its female 4 sure.... but ball means hermi or male....
  4. yamin

    tops to clones

    plants will suffer for a bit no matter where u cut them 4m..... but yes u can top off the plant and use the topped part to clone.... its easier to clone the stems though.... once topped the plant will take a while to grow at it steady pace again
  5. yamin

    Trying to determine sex, first time, please vote

    yep.... cook it and eat it.... no point smoking that
  6. yamin

    Happy Holi... the festival of colors and eating ganja

    today is the festival of colors.... everywhere in india ppl r on bhang ( ganja leaves to b eaten ) and throwing colors on everybody.... the city and its ppl r red, blue, green an yellow.... its a haze of color.... every1 is high.... the city is tripping an im tripping with it....:bigjoint...
  7. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    been flowering outside for abt 10 days.... 1 is male and another is female.... i can see balls and hairs respectively... the other 3 in the same environment still havnt shown sex.... built a black house..... that i can place over the plants to keep the photo period constant.... 11.40hrs should...
  8. yamin

    First clones... 100% success.... Thanks RIU(pic)

    tried topping some of the clones.... lost 1....:sad:..... the others seem to be doing well they r abt 6-8 inches tall now.... im going to start flowering them soon.... as soon as some shoots start developing 4m the topped plants.... im also trying LST..... to see which plant gives me a better...
  9. yamin

    1st time grower.

    use 2-45 w 6500 k cfl's per plant during veg... that worked really well 4 me
  10. yamin

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    he'll b back.... giving exams i expect..... 12th board exams if im right
  11. yamin

    1st time grower.

    6500 k best for veg growth and 2700k r good for flowering... u can veg under cfl's but try hook up a hps system 4 the flowering...
  12. yamin

    1st time grower.

    i gt the pest problem.... and yes if u have mothers then moving anything inside is not advisable.... even pot and sticks... but this guy only gt 2 plants with no setup... i think a little sunlight outdoors will do good.... i have mothers and clones inside.... and 2 set of flowering plants... 1...
  13. yamin

    Do you smoke and drive?

    i dont think i could drive without smoking a few booms.... live in india the traffic is crazzzzy.... every body tryin to cut every one else... if i wasnt blazed... id prob have a accident
  14. yamin

    First Grow Day 30: Comments & Tips Wanted

    best if u transplant.... its troublesome but its better 4 ur plants that way..... i let the soil gt dry.... put the pot side ways.... an with the help of a metal scale pull the entire root system along with the mud.... works every time.... try not to damage the roots.... if u do u loose abt 7 days
  15. yamin

    1st time grower.

    till u can gt some better lights the sun's good..... u'll also gt some wind outside.... but hook up the indoor setup as soon as u can cheers an best of luck
  16. yamin

    1st grow...going outdoors

    so 1 of the plants is def male.... little round buds everywhere..... the other 4 show no change.... does that mean they r girls??? still at 11.40 hrs of sunlight..... started building a black house.... so i can give them 12/12 once the days gt longer
  17. yamin

    1st grow...going outdoors

    today some leaves have turned rust in color.... dried and breaking... only like a part of a few leaves... whats wrong???
  18. yamin

    how ur ladies doing?? mm just started flowering 7 days in.... best of luck with the exams

    how ur ladies doing?? mm just started flowering 7 days in.... best of luck with the exams
  19. yamin

    confused about cloning :S

    the clones i took from the main branch ( cut the plant in half ) took a lot longer to root compared with the 1s from the node stems
  20. yamin

    What height do you start flowering?

    im at 4-5 inches.... going to switch to 12/12 at abt 8-9 inches.... plants should top off at abt 4-5 feet.... but it all depends on the strain