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  1. yamin

    420 in seattle

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  2. yamin

    wat uppppp

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  3. yamin

    What's Up

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  4. yamin

    Hi hi

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  5. yamin

    Hey New

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  6. yamin

    <333 rollitup!

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  7. yamin

    Nice To Be Part Of This Site

    hi... best of luck with ur grow
  8. yamin

    what strain to grow outdoor in india?

    hi.... so ive just taken my plants to the roof.... im growing oj kush.... nothern lights..... 3 unknown (bag seed).... at the moment v r geting abt 11.30 hrs of sunlight.... heat will b our biggest concern...where i live it'll gt as hot as 50C.... so if u want to b outdoors try a green house...
  9. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    hi.... ive been growing in my closet for the last 2 months.... ive taken cuttings and have loads of successful clones... so now ive taken the 2 month old plants to the roof (they gt to big )... still gt the clones in the closet though..... my plants have come from 24 hrs of light in the...
  10. yamin

    1st grow...going outdoors

    hi.... ive been growing in my closet for the last 2 months.... ive taken cuttings and have loads of successful clones... so now ive taken the 2 month old plants to the roof (they gt to big )... still gt the clones in the closet though..... my plants have come from 24 hrs of light in the...
  11. yamin

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    charas... its rubbed off alive plants.... its thc oil that just develops on the leaves instead of buds.... in the himalays due to the altitude and temp the plants release this oil to protect itself....this oil is charas... the main difference b/w hash an charas is that the plants in the case of...
  12. yamin

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    killer... working 4 me thanks
  13. yamin

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    cant wait 2 see those buds... ill keep updating
  14. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    :lol:.... the 1st set of my clones have rooted and just gt transplanted....ill post pics soon.... ?.... should i just flower my mothers (grown 4m seeds).... and veg the clones till i can re-clone them??? basically should i b cloning 4m clones??? is it smarter to flower the clones??? plz...
  15. yamin

    Regards from Balakn

    bublle hash... what is that?? is this what u get with the straining method??? i live a similar lifestyle... not as grower but as smoker.... its part of my culture to smoke... a very large population of saints smoke weed.... and its socially acceptable to smoke.... i was taught how to boom a...
  16. yamin

    will she gt stressed if i switch b/w cfl an hps???

    plants have been under HPS for the last 7 days.... gtin abt 18-20 hrs of hps and 24 hrs cfl.... growth speed has increased considerably.... if i get another 250 w hps in my room will the growth rate increase more??? also what is the closest i can gt my plants to the 250w HPS??? thanks
  17. yamin

    Clipping fan leaves

    i cut the under growth that aint gtin any light.... i trim the top leaves so that the shoots grow faster with more light
  18. yamin

    Regards from Balakn

    Heavy smoke sweetearthy taste,narcotic stone... i like the way explain the high.... couldnt do it better.... ive never smoked cronic.... but the hash 4m cronic should b smthing mind blowing..... have u ever considered rubbing the plant like v do with these hybrids....
  19. yamin

    Regards from Balakn

    kerala weed was 1 of the best strains v had in this country..... but the govt burnt down 99% of the crops a few years back.... now i dont gt that taste anymore.... im a charas/hash lover... not the hash u make there but indian/afgani hash thats rubbed of alive plants
  20. yamin

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yep cant wait 2 actually smoke smoke some cronic... ive never seen crystals on the buds.... cant wait.... v might not gt good weed but v do gt the best charas/hash u can ever smoke.... i smoke only charas now... but i did start 4m weed.... and on dry dry days ill still go back to it.... ill...