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  1. .Grant

    Building a Grow Box

    Hey guys, I decided I'm going to build a custom grow box. I figured I would post pictures and information as I go to see what you guys think. Please tell me anything you would do better, or think I am doing wrong! Much appreciated bongsmilie :hump: The design is going to essentially be a 5'...
  2. .Grant

    Big Bang - First Time Grower

    Update 9/8 So I transferred my sprout to a pot, and it's been thriving! I also dropped my Big Bang seedling... like an idiot.... and I think I shocked it. It seems to be making a recovery.. but incredibly slowly. I hope it makes it. Since the picture of it was taken (several days ago), it...
  3. .Grant

    What the hell?

    Hey guys, one of my seedlings (Big Bang) was purplish in cow pattern this morning (it had it's empty seed wrapped around it too). I just checked it, and now its black... I'm using a 23W blue CFL from 2 inches away... Any idea what happened? Could I really have burned it with such a weak...
  4. .Grant

    Big Bang - First Time Grower

    Thanks :) Keep me posted bro. The CFL's aren't hot at all. I can hold the 23W without it hurting, and I can' even tell if my long lamp is warm. I dropped my Big Bang haha. I hope it doesn't go into shock and die or something.
  5. .Grant

    indoor closet cfl grow

    I picked up some space blankets at the Smithsonian... :)
  6. .Grant

    Big Bang - First Time Grower

    Update: 9/4 New lights. Big Bang seed Sprout
  7. .Grant

    Seedlings slightly lopsided

    I'd say more powerful or closer lights. Try 2 inches tops for a little. Keep them short and wide.
  8. .Grant

    Big Bang - First Time Grower

    Hey guys. I started my first ever grow a few days ago. I'm really enjoying this, so I figured I'd make a journal and see what you guys think. Please, give me any feedback you have. I'd love to hear it all :). I'm using one Big Bang seed that I bought from Attitude Seed Bank, and some shitty...
  9. .Grant

    Purple Seedling - What Do?

    Ok, thanks haha. I'm just getting worried. BTW, nice grow!
  10. .Grant

    Purple Seedling - What Do?

    This is my first grow - and while I do have mentors, I'm very inexperienced. My seedling's stem is very purple, and I haven't the slightest clue what to do. I've been told that it could be a nutrient deficiency, or I'm over-watering it. Any ideas?