Seedlings slightly lopsided

Hello I was hoping to get some advice for my seedlings. This is the second batch I have tried, the first lot all drooped under their own weight and then shrivelled up and died. After they had collapsed I tried propping them up with toothpicks but they still died.

This time around, I have had a fan on them constantly and the stems appear much stronger, but they are still growing a little lopsided.

If anyone could offer a tip on how I could prevent this, I would be very grateful!




I'd say more powerful or closer lights. Try 2 inches tops for a little. Keep them short and wide.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry too much about it, as long as the stem isnt crimping they will get stroger and straighten up. Be cautious on moving the light closer. Prop them up if you want. Make sure you have air flow enough to make them "dance" a lil.