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  1. F

    Help...Am I going to loose my girls

    This is my 5th indoor grow in a well ventilated 3X6 closet. I am a month into 12/12. I am using a neautral grow medimum with Fox farm neuts with a 400 w hps lamp. My watering schedule is every 3 or 4 days. Yesterday everything was good but today on several of my top buds on several plants...
  2. F

    A little help here??

    I'm on my 4th grow in a well ventilated 3X5 closet. I am using a 400w HPS for light and using General Hydro for nutes. My problem is everything goes good through veg and after I start into 12/12 my fan leaves start to yellow. I am growing in soil and I am about 4 weeks into flowering. The...
  3. F

    Long term Storage Issues

    I have WAY more than I can possibly use in the short term. I need some long term storage ideas. I tried a few things but if I let it set to long they always start to mold. Thanks :blsmoke:
  4. F

    Yellowing Leaves??

    I actually have 2 different strains. One is clearly an Indica and one is clearly a Sitiva. Not sure exactly which types. These are 2nd gen clones from seeds a friend got me. Maybe it's closer to harvest than I figured.
  5. F

    Yellowing Leaves??

    I have 6 girls in a closet grow. Plenty of light and circulation. The fan leaves are starting to turn yellow. I was using SBB Super Bloom A and B for flowering. I am about a week or 2 before harvest (Trich's all clowdy for the most part) 48 days into 12/12. I really don't want to add any...
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    Watch them closely every day!! You should see signs in 5-7 days give or take.
  7. F

    In need of advise

    Whats the light cycle?? (on /off period of the lights)??
  8. F

    Early Harvest Question?

    I guess the "you are so money" means don't pull? Thanks...Still deciding...more comments welcome.
  9. F

    Early Harvest Question?

    I have 7 girls growing in a 3X5 closet. I'm using a 400W hps for light...but I still think I over did it by 1. It really is a bit crowded. I am about 30 days into 12/12 with some nice results on all the girls. I am just wondering if I should maybe pull 1 early to give the others more...
  10. F

    Yellowing Lower Leafs??

    I am doing a grow in a 3X5 closet. I have several plants all seem do be doing well under 400w HPS. I started flowering 3 weeks ago and switched from General Hydro three part to SBA Super Bloom A and B. My babys are pretty tightly packed together and I am noticeing some of the lower fan...
  11. F

    Sea of Green ?? or to much

    I pretty much fallowed Moogie's link...including some experimenting with supercropping. We'll see how it goes. I did all the pruning and then watered real good...maybe that will less'n the shock. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. F

    Sea of Green ?? or to much

    I started from seeds I got from a friend. This is my third grow. These are clones of those. I know I have 2 different strains...just not sure which. I have at least 2-3 feet left in height. (thats as far up as I can put the lights without really making some mods).
  13. F

    Sea of Green ?? or to much

    I am growing in a closet 28" x 56"...roughly 2 1/2 ft by 4 1/2 ft. I'm using a 400w HPS light. I have 7 plants roughly 36" tall. The space is full...completely. I keep my lights 6" to 12" above the "sea of green". I'm just wondering if I should be pruning a bit to let the light penetrate...
  14. F

    Aquestion about seeds??

    I'm on my third grow. I'm using a normal closet with 400w hps growing in grow mix. I have been fairly successful. I started in November with a bunch of seeds a friend gave me. I grew them took cuttings from them. Grew those took more cuttings. I figure I will have enough bud to last me awhile...
  15. F

    A question about seeds??

    I'm on my third grow. I'm using a normal closet with 400w hps growing in grow mix. I have been fairly successful. I started in November with a bunch of seeds a friend gave me. I grew them took cuttings from them. Grew those took more cuttings. I figure I will have enough bud to last me...
  16. F


    I'm on my third grow. I'm growing in grow mix and was using General Hydro nutrients.....but I seemed to have a constant battle with over-fertilization. I am using a store bought 18-18-18 now. I'm just wondering If I will get better results If I switch back to General Hydro...just back off on...
  17. F

    How often should I apply Nutrients??

    I have a PH tester...and test my water, run-off and soil. It always reads 6.45 to 6.5. Not acid...or alkiline. I am just looking for a good feeding cycle. I think I will go with every third watering.
  18. F

    How often should I apply Nutrients??

    Ihave tested my's for the most part PH neautral.
  19. F

    How often should I apply Nutrients??

    I am on my third grow...still pretty much a newbie. On my first 2 batches I always seemed to be struggleing with overfretilization. I'm using General Hydro for food...following the directions. I was thinking of trying every third or 4th watering. Any suggestions??? Thanks
  20. F

    Clone Help??

    I'm on round 3 in my closet garden. The first 2 rounds were done from seed. I decided to try cloning. I clipped plants that just started the light switch from 18 to 12 hours. I placed the clones under 24 hours of floresent under a tent. Things seemed to work out great until they got a bit...