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  1. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    when do you remove them from the little cups and put them into bigger pots?
  2. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    yea i actually went out and baught some yeast and sugar and put them in a little powerage bottle and left it in there and overnight the plants grew like crazy and the leafs perked right up doesnt seem to mind being crispy at all now yesterday they were lookin pretty sad so id say the makeshift...
  3. danmail

    Morning Glory VS. LSD

    for sure dude
  4. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    this is how they look now would it be a bad idea to cut the orange part off or just leave it because shes had enough stress?
  5. danmail

    Morning Glory VS. LSD

    you would be an idiot if u ate a gram of lsd obviously you would be fucked up for life but if u eat 2 grams of shrooms or one tab of acid the shrooms would give u a better chance of having a bad trip then the acid
  6. danmail

    Morning Glory VS. LSD

    lol i dunno ive always recieved my shrooms from siccamouse b.c maybe ill eat 10 grams throughout the night but i only eat like 2 grams at a time and then eat 2 more when im comfortable i lilke to be in controll not the otherway around lol even 2 grams is more intense then acid in my opinion...
  7. danmail

    Morning Glory VS. LSD

    lsd is lsd and morning glory is morning glory they are there own drug eat shrooms there probly more intense then acid if u ask me check out that has everything ull ever need to know about drugs i had a buddy and he stole a bunch of morning glory seeds from walmart and he ate like 20...
  8. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    nice ill have to buy some more shit
  9. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    plug 6 of those into a power bar? lol what u think of my box its gonna get squishy isnt
  10. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    anyone know how i could get rid of the reflectors and maybe hook them up to a piece of ply wood with drill holes and then buy like 4 more sockets maybe i wanna hook the plywood to a chain so i can raise and lower eisier cause right now its a bitch if anyones got plans for a similar idea that'd...
  11. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    woops here we go
  12. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    heres my set up i turend my heater down so the room temps like 80 now but its gotta be cooler with the fan im sure and i know the foil sucks !
  13. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    Heres the damage after the scorching but they seem to be fine the one got it the worst the other two havent slowed down any
  14. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    u da man haus
  15. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    so what will happen with the burn marks will those leafs will forever be nuked or will they heal in time? ill post another picture in the morning i might be paranoid but it looks like its getting worse but i think a 12 hour comparison will tell me much more about them but they look worse than...
  16. danmail

    How should my seeds look after 5 days?

    I put them in paper towel and then in a zip lock and then into a empty dvd case with a drop of superthrive
  17. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    alright i just didnt want stretching but if theres no difference between an inch and 4 i my aswell raise it due to the damage that has already happened thanks a lot
  18. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    well i got 2 43 200 watt equivelent one cool and one warm or daytime .. two different spectrums anyways they add up to 5500 lummens like 2 inches away
  19. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    well they got burned cause for some reason i turned the fan off they just got a couple melted lighter green spots on them i am sure ill be fine i raised the lights about a half inch hope there growth isnt stunned for to long would this be a good excuse to use superthrive? thanks for the help
  20. danmail

    Need some help Cfl grow

    hello hello hello is there anybody out there