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  1. S

    So proud:) she's all growed up

    Can't afford a fan right now. My funds ran out so I'm just trying to limp to the finish line. I did raise my lights a bit, and the browning seems to have slowed. Mind you, there's not much left to burn lol
  2. S

    Almost harvest time?

    Heh... Started looking at the Crystals and saw this little heart :)
  3. S

    Almost harvest time?

    I have a loupe, thanks! I wasn't aware the Trichomes turned amber. I'll watch for that!
  4. S

    Almost harvest time?

    I lost track, and can't find my journal... I think Im about 7 weeks into 12/12. No idea what strain, it's bag seed. No idea what nutes it's getting, I don't have ph testers, ppm testers, and I used mg soil and nutes. It's a "miracle" I got this far! *wink* Anyway, how much longer do you...
  5. S

    So proud:) she's all growed up

    I'm guessing I'll have anywhere between 10 and 20 grams... Can hardly wait to find out for sure! Couple more weeks or so... Pistils are about 20% browning now! The plant has shed most of its fan leaves now. I'm thinking the yellowing I worried about was normal... The plant now looks a lot like...
  6. S

    So proud:) she's all growed up

    OH don't worry, I did it all wrong :P She's dying now. Bud production seems slow. I started in the bottom half of a water bottle with holes cut in the bottom for drainage. Originally, it was growing on a shelf with 1 1600 lumen 6700k cfl bulb. Then I split it so there were 2 bulbs. After a...
  7. S

    So proud:) she's all growed up

    I must have grown wrong lol Mine is only about 13" tall and I vegged 8 weeks
  8. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    The roots I can see, when I poke around through the soil, look great. As well the couple I can see at the bottom of the pot.. In a month or so I'll pull it and take a gander at the root system and let you know. I LOVE what I just read about worm castings! I think I'll use that route.. I gotta...
  9. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    Fox farm is American, I'm Canadian. That junk isn't available here. I can order it overpriced on Amazon, but I won't.
  10. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    So do I use a pot of black Earth? Generic lawn and garden soil? Make a mix of peat moss and perlite? Or mix of coco coir and perlite? Or Grow purely in clay pebbles? Or gravel? Or purely perlite?
  11. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    I bought non miracle grow "soil" It's a blend of different types of garbage and sticks and roots and shit... The nutes are even higher and my seedlings are all dying
  12. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    So maybe I should give it less water more often to reduce how much nutes it can get? (nevermind... The lower roots won't get water if I reduce how much I give...) As for the dirt question, I plan on doing whatever is the easiest way to go. I've never kept a plant alive and barely kept my...
  13. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    Let's move on, ok? Bygones.
  14. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    What if I flushed a few dozen gallons of water through it. I have room in the pot to flood. Also since I asked before and didn't get a good response, what do YOU recommend for "soil" simplest possible, as I'm a beginner as you've brilliantly deduced..
  15. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    No shit, that's why I posted in the newbie forum. Should have been your first post.
  16. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    It's not nitro deficiency for sure. If I add even ONE drop of Schultz liquid plant food I have here at 15-5-5 (it calls for 7 drops for that strength) My leaves claw immediately. Definitely can't be nitro def. Which means nitro is definitely high. I see that in the burn spots appearing on...
  17. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    You can tell from nicks original comment he only read about the first 15 words of my post. He didn't come here to help, he came to be a troll
  18. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    I asked why it was yellowing, and he came back with quotes and smartass responses. Not helpful information. Telling me MG is shit, when I already know it, isn't helpful. But I can't change it now, can I. So I'm aware now that the plant is in flowering, it's going to have access to top much...
  19. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    So they survived for 3 months in the soil and ALL OF A SUDDEN they're getting burned... Explain how that makes sense because I can only understand things that have logical explanation.
  20. S

    This yellowing is normal?

    "spare what's in the dirt" was a major part of that sentence, Nick. It's in shit "soil": miracle grow moisture control, with 6 month feed nutes in, and I added a couple table spoons of miracle grow shake and feed nutes when I repotted in the 10L planter.