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  1. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Bro she's lookin sick as hell! Almost ready to treat you right for sure! Good Deal! And +rep back to you!
  2. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Good lookin out Manik! I'll probably be gettin some batteries tomorrow for my cam so I can get some damn pics of the girls.... The last pics you saw was from like 2 weeks ago.... they have shot up like CRAZY! They made it thru the month of April so it should be smooth sailing from here on till...
  3. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Ok, so I haven't been able to get any pictures lately because my camera is dead. I wish it wasn't cuz the growth on these ladies are amazing to say the least! They are all roughly a foot tall already, minus the Millenniums. They are still hangin in there tho! No worries about them at all.... I...
  4. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    If I get any worth any count I might start my own seed company-hahahahaha!
  5. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thanks! I've got some white widow germin now, along with all the other strains I have... gunna start workin on some breeding projects, and so I can have some seeds to work with in the future! The ones indoor will be all CFL tho.... Hopefully I'll get some decent combos out of them all... We'll see!
  6. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Ok so here's an update. I took the pictures this past Sunday and am just gettin around to posting them up.... I'll try to keep steady and do an update once a week, probably every Sunday..... I'll run down there after I get off of work and snap some pics..... I am going to have to mix up some of...
  7. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    I've got an idea on how to do that, you can email me and I'll fill you in on that..... I'll def put them to good use- especially since there is nothin like that around here....just some ok stuff I'd call it low mids..... nothin with a name, nothin with funk to it.... Last year there was this...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    NICE!!! You did good with this one, got a nice lil stash on your hands!
  9. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    No doubt they are! Gotta take care of my babies, so when their time comes they'll take care of me-in more ways than one! I'm def up for a few of them power skunk seeds for sure! I think I am gunna start my breedin project within the next few weeks or so... maybe have some decent seeds mid...
  10. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    46 grams! Not bad at all bro! You main cola is SICK! Lookin forward to the widow update!
  11. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yea, My MINT MOTHER bit the dust on me and I'm clueless as to why. But like you said, at least I have the clones.... I'm thinkin I may start breeding now, just so I have the seeds to start with.... They will be veggin from now until late August, mid that's what? 4-5 months of...
  12. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thank you Thank you! I went and uncovered the girls this morning, the black bag worked perfectly! Not a single one had any issues with them.... I put a tent of newspaper over them, and then the black bag.... worked like a charm! The clone I got off my MINT MOTHER before she croaked is doin...
  13. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    So checked the weather, since my Dad mentioned to me that the temps will be dropping quite a bit tonight..... For sure, it's gunna be in the 30's tonight! So I had to make the trip out there to my girls to get them covered up..... Here's my pics..... 1)All the Girls together 2)Armageddon...
  14. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yea, they are all droopin in those pics...It had been rainin a lil before and I figured I run out to check them while it had stopped-low and behold- it started POURING!!! Yea, the one Neville's Haze is lookin a bit on the pitiful side, but it has actually improved from when I put them out there-...
  15. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Ok- so I got some new pics of the girls.... I haven't checked on them in a few days- but to my surprise they are doin great! No bugs, no wild animals eatin them...hope it stays that way the rest of the season! Pic 1: All the Girls Pic 2: Armageddon Pic 3: Black Domina Pic 4: El Nino Pic 5...
  16. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    I'm hopin for a few pounds....all the strains I got except the white widow and Black Domina are supposed to be serious producers outdoors, and with the amount of sunlight they get on a daily basis- they should be huge!
  17. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Beautiful bro! Absolutely Beautiful!
  18. ThaDonNacci

    Medical CFL Grow Journal - Sour Diesel & Northern Lights

    Thumbs up for reall! Those are lookin beautiful! IMO- I think clones grow so much better and bushier than seeds! Good deal, lookin forward to seein u light set up!
  19. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yea, this was after their first night out on their own- they grow up so fast-Hahahahahaha! Well, the last two days have been cloudy and overcast, so it hasn't been direct sunlight. But they are gettin lit from 6-6:30 to about almost 8 at night. Once the clouds float away it'll be nothin but...
  20. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Ok Fellas- I finally got some new pics of my ladies outdoors..... Pic 1: Group shot of the Ladies Pic 2: Armageddon Pic 3: Black Domina Pic 4: El Nino Pic 5: Lightning Pic 6: Millennium (lookin a lil rough, but I think they'll pull thru) Pic 7: Neville's Haze Pic 8: White Widow Pic 9-12: Sun's...