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  1. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thanks Mr. Pacific! Went and checked on them yesterday and they seem like they are doing fine so far... Gunna go out and check on them again today...Figure I'll check on them regularly for the first week or so to make sure they are takin well to bein outdoors then I'll limit it to once a...
  2. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    That's what the hell I'm talkin about! Good shit there bro!
  3. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    So am I bro! I'll be out there checkin on them on a regular basis for the first week - week and a half just to make sure they are going to be good where they are at.... fingers crossed!
  4. ThaDonNacci

    Medical CFL Grow Journal - Sour Diesel & Northern Lights

    I'll keep an eye on this one- plants are lookin damn good! I can't even tell you how old my plants are to be honest..I'd have to look when I first posted the journal, and then go back from there...
  5. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Just transplanted them today... They all went into their happy homes outdoors! The only one I kept inside is my MINT MOTHER and her clone...waiting for the clone to get bigger before I put her outdoors... I changed my whole plan up from keeping the white widows and black d's inside- everything...
  6. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    DUDE-Fuckin AWESOME!!!! Looks good! Almost there, lookin forward to the smoke report!
  7. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Dude, I need to be a damn weather man! Now we aint gettin the thunderstorms! Go figure! I can get paid to make some shit up about the weather and I aint even gotta be right! They will definitely be goin outside today-later this afternoon! I'll be sure to take lots of pics before and after as...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thanks bro- We are supposed to be gettin some serious thunderstorms today- so I'm gunna hold off on puttin the ladies outside until tomorrow... don't want them to get all tore up and beat to hell the first day they get out there... I want them to have at least a little root growth into their new...
  9. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    My habaneros are doin pretty beast! I gotta get new pots for them until I get my garden tilled and ready to go.... Probably my project for next weekend....
  10. ThaDonNacci

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    If the sunlight will stay at 12.10 you can put them out now, but then ud probably harvest before you wanted... If u want u can keep them in veg and then put them out I'd say mid July...that should put you were u want to be.... I wont see buds on mine until the end of August beginning of...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thanks, I'm gunna have to put them out sooner than I expected... I have a strong feeling they are gettin root bound in their pots now... I'll just have to keep an eye on the weather... but so far for the next 7 days the temp isn't gunna drop below 45 F, so they should be good.They are about a...
  12. ThaDonNacci

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    Yamin-plants are lookin sweet! Mouthwatering even-I'll be around for this one...Check out mine if u get a chance, links in my sig.... Rep to u too!
  13. ThaDonNacci

    ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL

    Been awhile Miss, got any new pics of ur ladies?
  14. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Flash is lookin beautiful! Can't wait to see her all done up in her ice!-Hahaha
  15. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    ok fellas- I'm back! Been gone out of town for the past week. But came home to my babies, still beautiful as ever! BUT, there's always a but.... They were lookin a bit stressed.... I think that they are gettin root bound, I can't tell, but that's my guess, so I'm gunna have to put them outside a...
  16. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yea dude, it's roundin out to be 3 to 3 1/2 weeks for my MC to sprout roots.... I checked on the clone I took from her today and it's the lil nub clusters, so the roots should be there by the time I get back next week.... Oh, and no sex on any of them today... Switchin the lights back to 18/6...
  17. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Thanks for stoppin by bro- pull up a chair the train is gettin ready to leave the station! The place I got picked out is a perfect spot as far as light goes, I'm just hopin it treats me right with the growth factor.... I think it will work out for me tho!
  18. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    I actually borrowed that technique from Growman..... He did that with his and had good success rate- I think he said he got 100% with that.... maybe a lil less..... I can't remember.... But, I know she's gettin ready to root cus all the bigger leaves are startin to die off and the smaller ones...
  19. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Damn right it'll be worth it, and then you can just take ur best female out of them all and keep her as ur mother plant! Keep her forever! I def want some of them seeds tho for sure!
  20. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    The first clone I took from MC I just took the clone, skinned the lower half of the branch and dipped it into some powdered rooting agent and stuck her right into the soil... Took her about 3 weeks to form roots, but it was well worth the wait... This time around I just put the clone into...