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  1. suretokealot

    Is the any bad effects from low humidty

    Hello I have 2 plants about 5 wks old. I have them in a cabinet 3x3x3. My humidty in there is less then 10%. The humidty was staying around 30-35% but has dropped real low recently... not sure why. Is it bad for the plants? It also seems that there getting a little lighter in color and growth is...
  2. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    I have a good size box fan, 2 exhaust cpu fans, 1 large cpu intake. cabinet is 4x4x4 made just for vegging.
  3. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    Yeah I have a thermometer with a external reciever that stays around 80degrees and doesnt go above 84. the overall temp stays at 78
  4. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    temp under the light stays about 80degrees
  5. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    How would i add peat? do i have to retransplant?
  6. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    Is there a soil u recommened or r u suggesting i mix my own? I switched to fox farm because I read great things. Thanks
  7. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    I wanted to leave them in the MG..... but I read so much bad things about MG that I switched to foxfarms. There is a fan on them all the time and the lights are 2 iches away. So I should move them out about 2 inches? Thanks for the help
  8. suretokealot

    hows my baby looking

    Plants look great man keep it up!
  9. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    Cool! so should I flush? and is there anything else i could do to help the situation?
  10. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    I mean there still growing taller..... there has to ba a way to fix um right?
  11. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    So there goners???
  12. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    Hey thanks alot for the replys! How much water should I flush with? My cfls are about 2-3 inches away should I move them further? Thanks
  13. suretokealot

    2 plants need some advice!

    Hello riu, I currently have 2 plants 21 days into veg. I had them in MG soil, but I transplanted to foxfarms because of nuteburn. When I got them in foxfarms they were growing great at first but it apears its getting burn again see pic! I dont know if its frommy lights, 5 23 wt cfls each. I also...
  14. suretokealot

    jw about CLFs

    I use cfls for vegging..... and i use 5 23wt (1600 lumens) 6500k bulbs per plant, But more the better. If U use them for flowering u should get more tho ... hope this helps!
  15. suretokealot

    transplanting from MG to FFOF

    ok thanks alot seamaiden Im going to try that and hopefully it will go good. When I do this this should I also water or wait a little awhile?
  16. suretokealot

    transplanting from MG to FFOF

    Yeah Ive never transplated before... how would i know if it has a decent rootball? And when transplanting i remove all the old soil so just the roots are showing right?
  17. suretokealot

    transplanting from MG to FFOF

    Hello I have three plants growing in MG African violet soil. The plants are 3 wks old and I want to transplant into fox farms ocean forest soil. The Mg seems to make my plants grow slow and if im not careful nuteburn. What would be the best way to transplant? They are in 16oz solo cups now and i...
  18. suretokealot

    Help with plant

    Thanks alot for all your advice trickky. I just flushed my last plant so hopefully it will recover. My other 2 are growing good (hopefully they wont get nute burned again) I should be getting my new soil anyday... do u think it will be ok to transplant right away or should i wait a little?
  19. suretokealot

    Help with plant

    Alright everyone.. I flushed 2 of my 3 plants because of the nuteburn and the new growth looks good so far. Does anyone think it will stay that way? I dont want this to happen again. Any tips to prevent this from happining again?( keep in mind there in MG for now) It also looks like I will have...
  20. suretokealot

    Nute Burn

    Hey i think I need soom help.... I have three plants about 8 days old. The plants did look great but now they seem to be getting nute burn. Probally because i have them in MG ( stuff really does suck ) I water my plants every 72 hours and use no nutes. I did however order fox farms ocean forest...