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    t5 floro vs other??

    and it works good? how many bulbs do u have? for how many plants :)
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    t5 floro vs other??

    Will t5's do the job for my 3foot wide 5 foot tall 2 foot deep box how many t5's for the best grow and how many for decent grow???? what type of bulbs????? thanks
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    i dowhat i want :)
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    alright so u wont help me out then huh? sense im sick of old mersh out here im looking for some good bud
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    hello??? anyone there i could use some weed while my babies r growing
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    and a main factor is that u live in cali so that wont help :(
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    One what do u have? and two ur prolly a cop hahah
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    brunswick sound familier?
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    snowy as fuck right now!! cold n missrable :( but i could try some new weed :)
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    Anyone around this area!!!

    Anyone around the Cleveland ohio area im looking to buy some bud right now until mines done growing got about 3 weeks can anyone hook me up?????
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    Im in a suburb of cleveland Strongsville anyone from here???? aorund here ???? if i need some bud weres my dudes from around here that i can get some from?????????????????? along with my growing :)
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    Just build closet grow box pics :)

    about to i just ripped some fans out of old computers n going to put em in :)
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    Just build closet grow box pics :)

    Nice well today i put on one of the doors and finished the duct taping and gluing ill upload some pics tomorrow coz I'm high as right now :)
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    Just build closet grow box pics :)

    ya im using mylar just duck taping all the corners n shit so smell and light dont get thru the tiny cracks then mylaring the whole inside
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    Just build closet grow box pics :)

    Just build my closet grow box for 8 plants :) 58 inches tall 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep :) I used L brackets then glue for the corners and duct tape over it so light and air dosent escape ow u like it?? Next putting about 12 t5 lights in there with ventalation more pics to come :)
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    Light Question Help??? good ??

    Im going to start growing in my 3ft wide 2ft deep 5 foot high grow room and ill have a 400W HPs light and going to use all Fox farm nutes and soil for 6-8 white widows with ventalation and circulation in the grown room i want to do a SOG will i have enough room? and im going to prolly add 4 CFL...
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    Light help????

    Im going to start growing in my 3ft wide 2ft deep 5 foot high grow room and ill have a 400W HPs light and going to use all Fox farm nutes and soil for 6-8 white widows with ventalation and circulation in the grown room i want to do a SOG will i have enough room? and im going to prolly add 4 CFL...
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    How many plants could fit??

    if my grow area is 3 ft wide 2 ft deep and 5 foot high how many plants could i fit in there?? 5-6????
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    HELP with SMELL!!!

    so if i use a carbon filer then a carbon scrubber it wont smell at all and ill have an ozone gerneator in there too killing the odor that got out?
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    HELP with SMELL!!!

    if im growing in a closet with a carbon filter on it will it still smell the whole room up or will the carbon filter work fine and soon to be white widow or will a carbon filter and a ozone gewnerator work fine?