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  1. O

    Too much light???

    So what your saying is that more light on sides will get more buds increasing my yeild and that's it?
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    Too much light???

    Thnx bro !!!! What will more light do for the plants? Grow bigger? More bud spots? Bigger denser buds??
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    Autofem blueberry kush??

    Anyone tried it??? Is autofem even good???
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    Too much light???

    I'm doing 18/6 for lowryders hope it's good :) as for lights on the sides of the plant n 150 watt above help the plant have more bud spots? Or what will more light do??? My theory may be wrong ha
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    Too much light???

    Bummmmp going to home depot boys need to know????? if im good with the lights??? m theory??
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    Too much light???

    the box is 35 inches tall x 2ft deep x 2ft wide with a 150watt hps and 6 t5's that too much?? I want the lowryders to be real buddy!!!
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    Too much light???

    so i have 4 lowriders n i have a 150watt hps light but i want to add 2 t5 lights on each side and 2 t5 lights under the plant so total of a 150 watt and 6 t5 lights
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    Too much light???

    Can too much light be bad for plants??? or is extra light good???
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    Help r they dead???????????

    ????????? help??
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    Help r they dead???????????

    I kno u guys r smart whats the deall??????
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    Help r they dead???????????

    Ok so i germed my seeds and they sporouted a little root so i planted them in my rockwool and they dried up then i put them back in paper towel is it too late r they seeds dead????
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    huge problem

    Ya i soaked the rockwool for 24 hrs n thnx for the info
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    huge problem

    Thnx and yes the seeds have cracked and im gonna try some new diff things im gonna put a pastic covering over the top of the seeds n rockwool n after i see a stem ill take it off
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    huge problem

    ok my seeds and rockwool are pure dry!!!!!!! i have abubleponic system and my rockwool is dry and my seeds r too!!!!!!!! what do i do??? i took seeds out and put them in wet paper towel for now and i put my rockwool in my net pots and put the hydroton rocks on top the rockwool this time now...
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    Just planted seeds need light cycle help

    Heres some pics
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    Just planted seeds need light cycle help

    ya i got some pics ill post em here and its 150 watt hps 3 plants Brainwreck DP Strawberry cough and DP blueberry
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    Just planted seeds need light cycle help

    so ill be fine letting them go 24/7 then??? and i put the seeds about 1/4 inch into my rockwool and the lights just about them im good right?
  18. O

    Just planted seeds need light cycle help

    Ok so ya i just planted my seeds should i got 24 hrs for a couiple days then go 18 6 for rest of grow or what?? whats best and most convient plz help :)
  19. O

    Temp of water??

    k thnx what is bad for plant room temp?
  20. O

    Temp of water??

    How warm should the resevoir be or around?? and when im soaking the rockwool what should the temp of that be???