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  1. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    I lollipoped all the bottom sites that usually only produce airy bud so I figured I would get rid of it now I plan on vegging much longer. I personally have never got good bug from the bottom of my plant was looking to focus all energy to the top
  2. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    And yes I usually will wait two weeks in their bigger pots before throwing them into flower but I'm thinking I just need to go with bigger pots and veg for much longer. I do have some 3 gal pots I may use this run it's just a lot more soil and that stuff is not cheap lol. And I basically go 10...
  3. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    Here's what I have going on now 5 jack Herer plant I need to try and pull a pound out these lady's and the last pic is what a veg in which is the black pot and I flower in the 9x9 white pot
  4. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    Hey thanks for the reply I don't usually veg all that long which is most likely my issue. I'm growing in the pro mix mp and fox farm ocean forest usually go half and half And in not using co2 and water around 6.0 to 6.5 ph never have checked ppm
  5. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    Cool I mean I have a wall unit ac that runs the hole time my light is on with a air duct to channel the air into my tent which is a 4x8 and I have a 8 inch vertex on my carbon filter for filtering and moving air. I beg in much smaller pots then move to bigger pots for flower o and strain I'm...
  6. joegrizzley

    Help me increase my yield please!!!!

    Hello fellow growers I'm in need of some help. I really need to increase the yield of my grows i always run a 5 plant run my last grow I only got an ounce and a half per plant and it's just not cutting it.nutrients for veg are mother plant a+b also hygrozyme, nytrozyme and always cal/mag that's...
  7. joegrizzley

    Question on second topping???

    Ok thanks everyone I'm going to go ahead and top tonight
  8. joegrizzley

    Question on second topping???

    ok fellow growers so I've got 3 white widow plants about 3 weeks into veg I have topped them once about a week ago they now have grown two nodes High from where I topped them the first time if this makes since...what I'm asking is when is best to take my second topping at the first node or...
  9. joegrizzley


    Unfortunately I did not but I ordered from Amazon so I will be contacting them for a exchange just kinda sucks I am in need of the fan now so I may have to order another and just have them refund me my money
  10. joegrizzley


    Thank you good information here I will look not this...
  11. joegrizzley


    Ok everyone so I ordered a vortex fan from Amazon and I received it this morning opened the package only find out after plugging it in the fan does not work. I don't know if maybe I'm missing some type of on off switch I've never ran a inline before. Please any advice would be appreciated and I...
  12. joegrizzley


    hello growers I have 10 seedlings almost two weeks since thrown into soil my medium I am using is pro mix bx and what I'm wondering is when would be a good time to start feeding them nutes and also at what strength should I begin them at. Nutrients I will be using are GH flora series
  13. joegrizzley

    Nirvana sseed Co. anyony?

    thanks everyone great feed back well I just got my seed today 23 day from order date not to bad though when I order from buydutchseeds they get here in like half the time I went ahead and when with the wonder woman and jack horror from nirvana it kinda makes me nervous to switch up being ive...
  14. joegrizzley

    Nirvana sseed Co. anyony?

    whats up farmers I was just curious to know if anyone has any experience with nirvana myself I just order 5 jack herer also 5 of the wonder woman any of you guys have any luck with these strains in the past this is my first time ordering from a different company and also growing a different...
  15. joegrizzley

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    yea I was thinking that same thing maybe like a ph fluctuation but I water very consistent so idk I could be watering a litte to low guess I will try and slowly up my ph untile im around 6.8 but its kinda hard to water every time with the same exact ph
  16. joegrizzley

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    well I have been growing the same strain witch is a white widow from seed and over the past year ive usualy ran a ph of 7.0 and have ran into a few problems come mid flower with deficiencies so I figured this grow I would switch it up and run a little lower so far they have been just fine only...
  17. joegrizzley

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    whats up farmers anyone help me out in determining whats causing my plants to do this. im growing in soil using GH for nutrients and I water with a ph between 5.8-6.5 I just don't know what the issue could be any help would be great
  18. joegrizzley


    And yes I do see that cal problem as well alien widow
  19. joegrizzley


    Yea I was kinda thinking that same thing tropicalcanabispatient I've never had that issue before expecialy I'm using the full line of GH flora but only have been feeding at 1/4 strength
  20. joegrizzley


    ok I'm in veg soil I'm using is pro mix bx just recently transplanted from roots organic and I'm using GH flora the complete line at 1/4 strength now because I just put them in new soil but my next water I will be upping it to normal 1/2 strength anyhow I noticed a slight cal/mag deficiency so...