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  1. joegrizzley

    properly drying buds

    Ok Fellow Grower I'm Have Two Plants Hanging Right Now Both Have Been For About 2 whole weeks But For Some Reason They Are Still Very Moist To The Touch And I Don't Understand Y This Is Happening....Room Is Roughly 70-75 Degrees and a rh of 60-70 any help please get back to me
  2. joegrizzley


    Thanks I never thought of using foil tape I tryed duct tape and when I went in to check the next morning my flower room was bright as day so I had to scratch that...I have considered the polly tho maybe that will help using like a patch any how thanks man very helpful info 707humbolt
  3. joegrizzley


    Hello fellow grower I have a 4x8 sun hut I'm using for flower and a make shif tent I'm vegging in only because I cannot get the divider that came with the tent to be 100% sealed from light to run 2 separate light periods any ideas or if you could point me in the right direction I would...
  4. joegrizzley

    clones in early growth question????

    Hello fellow grower I have three clones in early growth that for some reason are beginning to grow very thin and flimsy when I took the cutting they were just fine and also were fine when put into soil from clone machine I mean they look healthy just not like they will be putting off much bud
  5. joegrizzley

    Yellowing in mid flower!?!?!?

    To be honest oldshol4evr I'm only feeding at a heavy 1/4 strength but the last time a tryed to up the nutes they showed a bit of burn at their tips I'm using general organnics go box but I'm going to hit them a little heavy tonight with nutes I'm thinking 1/2 or 3/4 just to keep them happy. I...
  6. joegrizzley

    Yellowing in mid flower!?!?!?

    Thanks everyone I appreciate the input and yes southerner I am going to hit them with a little of my veg nutes to try and green them up some hopefully it helps
  7. joegrizzley


    well for what's it's worth I just wanted to post an update pic of those same plants, it wasn't easy but I managed to pull a rabbit from the hat on this grow, still everything is not perfect but good enough for me
  8. joegrizzley

    Yellowing in mid flower!?!?!?

    Hello fellow grower well I'm posting this because as the title says I am day 30 flowering today have six plants going 2 strains ok well all plants get same amount of nutes come feed time well 2 of my plants are showing a lot of early yellowing but only the two as you can see in my pic I just...
  9. joegrizzley

    Cloning problems anyone??

    hello fellow grower I've had a few harvest under my belt defiantly am not a amature but I certainly have experienced a shit tone of problems but right now I'm questioning any good cloning techniques my self I have succeeded cloning a few times but failed way more and am still not able to to find...
  10. joegrizzley

    Sexing problem

    i have too plant showing both signs of female and male flower but they are putting off the same amount of bud so I don't really know what to do with them....any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated
  11. joegrizzley

    Update on my grow

    whats up everyone just wanted to post an update on my grow I'm 7 days into flower and every thing seems to be coming along ok so far flowering under a 400 watt hps soil is roots organnics and my nutes are GE go bo......any question or helpful advise please reply
  12. joegrizzley

    Oppinions please

    Yes I was thinking in about a week to give them time to settle into their new pots
  13. joegrizzley


    Hi I just transplanted in bigger pots I'm 35 days from seed growing under a 400 watt mh just wondering about how long should I water with plain ph water untile I start to go half stranght soil I'm using is root organnics original and nutes are GE Bo box
  14. joegrizzley

    Oppinions please

    hi I just transplanted in bigger pots I'm 35 days from seed growing under a 400 watt mh just wondering about how long should I water with plain ph water untile I start to go half stranght soil I'm using is root organnics original and nutes are GE Bo box Thanks
  15. joegrizzley

    Having a deficiency problem!

    Thank you Terry385 I'm just hoping I can keep things looking good I can't afford any more set backs
  16. joegrizzley

    Having a deficiency problem!

    Well it's been a few days but I did get my things in the mail and everything is looking a lot better I think with the added soil I will go straight ph water for a few waterings then go back to the half strength GE go box and I think from Now on I will ph before every watering and feeding session
  17. joegrizzley

    Having a deficiency problem!

    I have things on the way just waiting to get them before putting them through that stress moe
  18. joegrizzley

    Having a deficiency problem!

    Do you recommend adjusting ph before any watering including when feeding because I usually only ph when using plain water and also do you thing 6.2-6.9 is a good oh to water with?
  19. joegrizzley

    Having a deficiency problem!

    What's up all well I am 32 day into veg and my pants for some reason are showing signs of deficiencys but at the same time showing some nuts burn I'm not share what I am doing wrong I'm using roots organnics soil and General organnics go box at half strength Ander a 4 four foot t5 at the moment...
  20. joegrizzley

    Anyone help identify this!!!

    thanks but I've seen that chart to many times to count