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  1. ThaDonNacci

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    I stopped by here a while back- just never commented- think I got distracted or somethin! Ur can idea is fuckin awesome as hell! and ur plants are lookin good as well......... Glad I could help earlier, and I'll be around for the rest of this-:joint::peace:
  2. ThaDonNacci

    Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)

    What's Good Mr. Pacific!?!?! Lookin good here, I'll be around to watch.......
  3. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** Mr. Pacific ** Are you referring to my form of LST? If so, the only reason I trimmed my leaves was to get all the ugly dead shit off of them. I didn't think that would be a form of LST, but now that I think of it- it would be in a minor way since now the plant will have to slow upward...
  4. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    That's all new to me too! It almost looks like what regular plants do when thier roots are dry- you know what I mean? Like their leaves curl inward so that they can catch as much rain water as they can and just absorb it thru their leaves........ Maybe you could try to foliar feed them with...
  5. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Those would work too- just didn't have any- so hangers away! But seriously- what is the diff between High and Low stress training? I mean how much more stress do you put on the plant with HST? And Thanks for stoppin by! jump in on the cycle:joint::joint::joint:
  6. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    A 3:1 ratio would be fuckin awesome for me- especially since it's always been reversed for me in the 2:6 or somethin like that! I'll def let u know if VGurls balls get any bigger- If they do then I'm just gunna keep it for pollen since I'm lovin the way it's performin...
  7. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    **RUCKUS** No problem man- glad I could help..... I came up with that cuz U gotta work with what you got especially when the funds are tight...... And if it's free or already there all the better! Also what I do is, just so it's not constant stress....... I'll bend the plant down and let it...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Lookin Good Manik! Leaves are lookin a bit curled inward on those last pics- You know what caused that?
  9. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** Green** I think I could have let them veg at least another week longer, instead of the 3 that I did.... But like you said it's nothin flowerin can't fix and it's all an experience..... They are a bit short, but I cut my full LST down to just minimal LST, that way their height will begin to...
  10. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Week 1 Flower: :weed: So after the ladies first week in flower no signs of sex just yet. One looks a lil like it's gettin nutz, but it's hard to tell at this point. So I'll let it go to see what develops. Don't wanna pull anything premature. My big girl is doin pretty damn good for only have 1...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Pics comin in the am- stay tuned! Two of them have blown up like crazy, but the other two seem to be strugglin.....grrrrrrrrrr! Pics tomorrow!
  12. ThaDonNacci

    My 1st CFL Grow - How's it looking? - 2 weeks

    That's what I did for mine. It came recommended by a few established growers...... they say 24 and no m ore than 48 hours of total's supposed to let the plant know that it's time to start flowerin and it's supposed to make them show sex sooner.......... I'm goin on 1 full...
  13. ThaDonNacci

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    Looks like u still got a decent amount out of them!
  14. ThaDonNacci

    Breeding 101 Subs Method

    Sub! You are AMAZING! I've been reading thru some of ur threads, and the way you break stuff down is awesome! Anyone can understand it with basic knowledge. Thanks for this and all ur others! Keep them comin- I am a willing and eager student for which to absorb ur vast knowledge!
  15. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Hell, I water them till the water comes out the bottom evey time. Just because that's how dry it gets. I think I'd rather let them get dry and fill 'em up than run the risk of overwatering them with less water but more days. Know what I mean? So, I'll just estimate a figure of 7 to 10...
  16. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Hahaha- Yea I know a lil sumthin sumthin when it comes to this shit here.... Thanks Pop's! They are doin f'n great! They are bushier, taller, thicker, fuller- the works. Watered them yesterday. Gunna water them again on Thursday as well as post pics of their first week in flower. Figure once a...
  17. ThaDonNacci

    100 watt incandescent?

    What the hell happened to MJ3? He just disappeared after like page 10-hahahahahaha! Maybe his candles burnt everything down.........
  18. ThaDonNacci

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    Good point on both cases Bonz! Thanks!
  19. ThaDonNacci

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    Hahaha good deal! It sounds good and maybe it will help-who knows- but it's worth a shot! How much u think ur gettin from this harvest? We gettin pics of final product? I was thinkin about water curin most of my final just to give it a try.... But hell I still got 10-12 weeks left to change...
  20. ThaDonNacci

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    That's some good shit there 420! Hey Budda- Bonz said that most of the sugars are in the stems....... So....... what if you just cut the fan leaves themselves off and left the stem that they were on? Wouldn't be much extra sugar, but you wouldn't have to worry about them holdin that extra...