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  1. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Yea I put V GUY in the window sill today... He's got more balls than a lil bit and I wanted to be safe not sorry....... So he's away from the ladies and he'll still be gettin the roughly 12/12 lights that he was so it shouldn't mess him up too bad. I think I'm gunna put a piece of white paper at...
  2. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Good Deal- Thanks!
  3. ThaDonNacci

    Maui Wowi x Tutty Fruity 252w 2.5sq ft

    What kinda smell u got goin on with them?
  4. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Thanks Bro! I'm stoked myself! Can't wait for these next few weeks to fly by! I'll be throwin some pics up of week 2 flowerin tomorrow! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to u!
  5. ThaDonNacci

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    Hahaha- yea def like losin a kid! With my first outdoor grow I had six growin out on my Grams hill- her dirt is sick with good shit- but I had them started in lil pots so I could move them around to get the best sun..... Well, my nephews went on the hill and dumped all 6 of them over! I was...
  6. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    That's lookin good my friend! I know exactly what ur talkin about that compressed medium- they actually seel it in pet stores too! I get that shit for my snake cage- it's crazy how much that lil ass brick expands! Never thought about growin in it tho....... good thought! Good Luck bro and happy...
  7. ThaDonNacci

    Maui Wowi x Tutty Fruity 252w 2.5sq ft

    Damn Dude- Talk about powdered sugar! That's more than enough to make ur mouth water!
  8. ThaDonNacci

    ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL

    I'm sure it is......Anyway you can up the temp a lil bit? Maybe add another light or two- it should help with the heat and the growth all in one...... Maybe it is about time u start hittin them with some nutes...... I'm usin the Expert Gardener Ferts for right now...... But like Mr. Pacific...
  9. ThaDonNacci

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    ** RUCKUS ** How's everything goin so far?
  10. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** UPDATE ** All three of the suspected ladies ARE in fact-LADIES!!!! Hell yea! That's a 3:1 ratio! Pretty damn good! Just one question for anyone that may know the answer--- How long does it usually take for the male to bust his nuts? I just need a time frame to remove him outta my grow...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** MANIK ** I'll be there in a few to check it out! ** PT ** Yea- easy mistake- it's all good.... Like I said tho- my Big Gurl's smell is FUNKALICIOUS! I'm glad she didn't smell like that the whole time thru veg-damn!
  12. ThaDonNacci

    ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL

    No Problem- It's annoying as hell every time you wanna upload ur pics havin to do it one at a time- but if it works hey- you gotta do what you gotta do! Thanks for the rep too! Plants look good- only thing is they look a lil small for bein almost a month old.... are those the 26 day pics?
  13. ThaDonNacci

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    Plants are lookin good PT! I'll stick around for this one- we're pretty much workin with the same set up and time frames goin on..... What strains did you and ur boy order? I'm goin with Neville's Haze Millennium & El Nino I'm gunna do a mix grow this spring- Start them all indoors, but after...
  14. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    """"haha yea its like oh heres your gift: a female, but wait 7-8 weeks to open it. i just read that they are just starting to smell? i dont know why but my 2 plants have stunk up my whole room since like the 2nd week into veg and they seem to be getting stronger... smells great but a little...
  15. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Thanks for stoppin by- they are in their second week of flower now- Thursday will be 2 full weeks....... So maybe a Valentines day present- But I think I get what ur sayin- maybe I'll know what the other 3 are by Christmas- and I'll just have to wait to open it-hahaha!
  16. ThaDonNacci

    Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)

    Congrats on ur baby gurl! I looked at mine again and it looks like my lil gurl is actually a gurl- I think I'll know definitely come Thursday! Urs showed pretty quick! That's a good thing! Good luck with the rest of ur adventures!
  17. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Mine don't even have any real signs of preflowers- crazy I know right!?!?! No bulbs- but she finally started to stink...... 3 no sex plants and one def full blown male! Maybe If my Big gurl turns out to be a gurl then I can get the early flowerin trait from my male and breed it into my female-...
  18. ThaDonNacci

    ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL

    ** IMissAtari** I get that message too everytime I try to load up more than one pic at a time. I know it's a pain in the ass- but try loading one pic at a time and it should work..... you know what I mean? Browse-upload browse-upload browse-upload until you get all the pics you want then you...
  19. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Yea, still no sex yet- this Thursday will be week two of flowering.... so maybe I'll see somethin in the next 2 days.... BUT, my big gurl has finally got a stank on her- I don't remember if I mentioned anything about her not smellin- but through her whole growth she never had a smell until...
  20. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    I only vegged them for 3 weeks- shoulda went a lil longer- but oh well- this was only a test run for me so I can work out kinks and what not- see what works for me and what doesn't...... thanks for stoppin by!