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  1. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Yea, her buds are formin nice right now.... I'd say another 3 weeks and she'll be right! I wanna see if the pink color runs into the buds themselves and doesn't just stay with the pistils...... Just ordered another batch of seeds today.... Check it out bro I'm gettin Lightning Red Devil...
  2. ThaDonNacci

    1st Timer GETS LUCKY!! (pics)

    Just stopped by Ms. Yellerz! Plants are lookin NICE! Great job! Judgin by ur results so far I'd say that those emergancy blankets were a good investment! Might have to look into some on my next grow. I got a journal goin too, stop by if u wanna! + rep for you and I'm subscribed!
  3. ThaDonNacci

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    That's exactly what I've got to do too! I def need to set up seperate spaces so I can have my every other week harvest thing goin on........ My only problem is I don't have the room in my room for a seperate box..... Maybe I'll build it and put it out in the shed and just use that as my...
  4. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    No problem- glad I could help...... Seems like ur takin all the right steps and u should have urself a nice successful grow...... +rep for u bro!
  5. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Thanks for stoppin by Driftwood! Always room for one more! Pull up a chair and join in on the cycle........:joint::joint::joint: Lil Gurl is probably gunna be the first to be harvested...... Looked at her today and she's startin to pack on a lil weight as well as her pistils are turnin a...
  6. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    Yep, that's it..... You can train ur plant to wrap around the circumference of ur pot so that by the end ur top will be right in the center...... I didn't go that far, but if I would have kept at it then it would have ended up that way..... If u want u can scroll thru my thread and see how I...
  7. ThaDonNacci

    Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)

    I think that if I didn't trim the shit out of my gurls they'd be just as bushy as Ms. Sarah..... And u are def further along with the bud production than I am... What are u using for Bloom Burst again? I may have to look into that........ Other than that bro , they are lookin GREAT! Oh, I got...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    No Prob man! Anytime I can help I will! Oh and I got my seeds today! Hahahaha Watch out now! 50 seeds for 60 bucks! And they all look super sweet and viable! I didn't have my hopes up cause of all the reviews I had read AFTER I ordered from them, but they look good to me..... We'll see how they...
  9. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Thanks man, always good to hear people like my work!
  10. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Ok, so since the plants have recovered greatly, I figured I'd add something to occupy our time until Thursday, WEEK 5 of Flower! So this is what I spent my night doing tonight....... Check it out and leave some feed back if u so please........ I did a tat on my Pop's- it was a late Christmas...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Good luck with that! Which one is that again?
  12. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    Yea it'll def still grow! You'll just have to keep an eye on it so u can raise the light is all....... Other than that ur good to go!
  13. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Thanks Mr! I'm sooooooo glad that everything I did saved them! I'd of been super pissed if I made it this far to have to drop down to one instead of 3! Carcass- Thanks for stoppin by! Mud- Thanks for stoppin by! I kept them low with my LST as well as only veggin them for 3 and a half...
  14. ThaDonNacci

    whats wrong with these?

    Alrighty then- I'm there!
  15. ThaDonNacci

    whats wrong with these?

    Clowdy- You got anything goin on with ur grow?
  16. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    That's a decent distance.... You can keep CFL's close as hell to the plants without having to worry about burning them. Rule of thumb, as u've probably already read, is u hold ur hand between the top of the plant and the light and u can stand the heat then it's ok for the plant. That's the...
  17. ThaDonNacci

    1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics

    1 TBSP of Molasses per gallon of water, and u can mix that in with ur nutes as well-- Just don't let it FERMENT! HAhahahahaha! Hate to see u suffer from the same thing I just got over!
  18. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Manik! Looks like it's leaning to be a gurl- but like canna said- it may be too early to call.... I think it is judgin by the first pic..... But I wont say congratulations just yet....... Give her another day or two and u should know for sure......
  19. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Checked it out- Looking good so far!
  20. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** Rescue UPDATE ** Ok, so here's the pics of the rescued plants! They pulled thru thank god! Lil Gurl perked right back up.... and is continuing her beautiful pink flowers! Big Gurl I just trimmed all the dead shit off and she's fine.... Mint Chocolate just did a minor trim and she's reakin...