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  1. Natanis

    Hemcy Seeds

    I got some WWidow seeds from Hemcy. They came in about 2 weeks but I could only get one of them to germinate. Luckily I found out today she's a girl (phew!). Of the other ones about half never even cracked. A couple cracked but never put a root out. Anyone else had prob's with Hemcy seeds...
  2. Natanis

    Connection between 24hr lights & males

    The defense rests. I read the entire thread and I'm going with Vman on this one. Not that my opinion means much as a botanist, but semantics I do know!!
  3. Natanis

    Hermie Seeds

    Someone said on another thread that hermies will always produce females... Someone else said they produce hermies or females. I was told they always produce hermies...... Any of you experts know the real deal? :peace:
  4. Natanis

    sexing nevilles haze is it a hermie

    No that's not true. Hermi seeds will be grow into hermi's.
  5. Natanis

    New cab, suggestions?

    You should hang the lights. Chain gives you a very fine adjustment of 1" increments. Go checkout some of the pre-made cab's it will give you good ideas. My cab has light suspended by chain and flexible ducting to in-line fan.
  6. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    Actually the first grow was in the winter months and I had the cab in a spare bedroom with the door closed during the day. I was able to lower the ambient temp in the house to 65F while I was at work and left the door to the room open and that took care of it. This 2nd grow will be over the...
  7. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    Yes, the company does exagerate the grow time quite a bit. I officially ended the first grow at 70 days from the day the seeds sprouted. I had way too many plants, a hermi that fooled me and caused seeds, and I also had a heat problem that dwarfed some of the plants. All in all though it was fun...
  8. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    This worries me a bit!! How did you fix the problem? I did, in fact, move my cabinet upstairs and vented the 400w light and two direct heat vents. I'm drawing inside air through two bottom fans. Wow it would suck to rot the roof... I do live in a place that has winter.
  9. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    So how's it going? You must be flowering by now? Natanis
  10. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    Wow thanks for all the replies. I haven't been online lately but I'm starting grow #2..... Results of the first grow were excellent, but I had several problems: 1.) Heat! 2.) Seeds! 3.) Too many plants!! I'm only doing three this time! I'll try to reply to all....
  11. Natanis

    First Grow

    You'll have to vent it somehow or it will get way too hot in there.
  12. Natanis

    Trimming My Babies

    No need to tuck them until they are blocking flowers/new growth. If you're in veg just leave them alone. If in flower tuck them under or behind another leaf to get the new growth out of the shadow.
  13. Natanis

    Mini Cool Cab

    It has been a learning experience! Lots of fun though. I'm on day 56 of a bag seed grow and day 38 flowering. I'm closing in on my first harvest soon! I really grew too many plants so I've had to cut a few early to make room. The MCC came with everything I needed and they were very helpful. It...
  14. Natanis

    Flowering times?

    Good Question! I've been wondering that myself (1st grow). I'm @ day 48 and all 6 plants are in flower with just a hint of the white hairs turning red. These were just misc bag seeds I had, so I'd say they're pretty average. I guess that probably means it's the # of days til flowering.
  15. Natanis

    Reducing Nutrients

    At what point in the flowering cycle should I begin cutting back on the PPM of the nutrients? I don't have any color change to amber hairs yet but still running about 1500 ppm Flora Nova Bloom. Week 4 flowering, day 39. Thanks. I'll check back tonight for answers.
  16. Natanis

    Metal Storage Cabinet grow cabinet?

    Check out the cabinets at They build what you're going to do and sell them for big $$$ but they work and include everything.
  17. Natanis

    Stealth cabinet, strange plants

    I think you guys were right. I have been keeping the temps around 75 during the day and things are much better. The girls are looking healthy although I'll never change the fact that they are stunted. Lesson learned though... Grow number 2 will be fewer plants and lower temps to begin with...
  18. Natanis

    Best Hydro System for Newbies

    This is my first grow as well and I bought a pre-built system that's a hybrid with drip pump, Airstone, and fogger. It has worked great. Day 38 and I've got lot's of flowers almost ready for prime time. :hump:
  19. Natanis

    Actual bud...

    Wow I'm right in step with you folks at 37 days. 1st grow too.... That will put me at about 45 days when they start getting stinky. Ain't nature freakin cool? It just works.
  20. Natanis

    Stealth cabinet, strange plants

    I was just reading another post by Alien and his plants are short but healthy. His sytem is the same but with no fogger and bigger space. That may be my problem.... too much heat and too much water. I have the heat under control now so maybe I'll put the fogger on a timer. What d'ya think?