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  1. jo2489

    what do ya think?

    i have also toppes them once so hopefully that helps increase my yeild
  2. jo2489

    what do ya think?

    thanks for the input, i was never expecting an astronomical amount. if i could get an oz id be happy. space is kind of an issue so id like to keep them relatively small
  3. jo2489

    what do ya think?

    hey guys, first timer here. i wad just curious as to what you all thought my expected yeild may be for a plant put into flower at this size. im not exactly sure what the exact strain is but i do believe its an idica dominant strain. my plants are 4 weeks veg and i just switched to 12/12. ive...
  4. jo2489

    is is time to let her go?

    thanks guys, ill give her a day or two and see if she improves.
  5. jo2489

    is is time to let her go?

    just last night the only brown anywhere on the plant was on the lowest fan leaves. now every single leaf is showing distress and browning
  6. jo2489

    is is time to let her go?

    hey guys, first timer here. last night i noticed that the soil in this one pot was still very wet even after not watering for three days. so i decided to investigate and think i waited too long. i had taken the pot to the kitchen sink and stuck a pencil in the drainage holes and water began to...
  7. jo2489

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    I have a fan on them, and try to leave the door cracked. Feeding generic bytes. Npk value 12/6/8. Have only Fed once. Waiting on soil to dry
  8. jo2489

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    Fed once at qtr strength when I watered them a few days after transplanting. Have not watered since because soil never dried. It's been three days since water and soil is still wet/ not draining, hence suspicions of over watering/root rot
  9. jo2489

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    Hey guys, New grower here and yes I said topping cats. I've recently decided to growing a few plants for personal use as a means to do something I love and save money doing it. I'm growing two plants under cfl bulbs in earthgro soil inside 3 gallon pots. Growing medium is 30% perlite and 70%...
  10. jo2489

    hey guys, first time grower here. just looking for some experienced opinions on overall health

    hey guys, new grower here and i was just looking for opinions on the overall health/progress of my plants. all pics attached are of one plant. the rest look pretty much the same. i just transplanted 3 days ago, plants are 3 weeks into veg (since sprouting through soil). just started nutes...
  11. jo2489

    opinions please. my cat got at my plant, is she a lost cause or can i save her?

    point taken, ill consider that in the future. for now though this will have to do. constructive criticism is always appreciated.
  12. jo2489

    opinions please. my cat got at my plant, is she a lost cause or can i save her?

    thanks guys, i appreciate the help. i about had a heart attack when i walked in and saw that.
  13. jo2489

    opinions please. my cat got at my plant, is she a lost cause or can i save her?

    lol bitch is a fiend man, i left the door to the room cracked for better air circulation and she let herself in
  14. jo2489

    opinions please. my cat got at my plant, is she a lost cause or can i save her?

    hey guys, this is my first grow and its been a little rocky so far. i had just transplanted my plants 2 days ago and they seemed to be taking to their new home well. and then this happened. i came home from work today to find two lower fan leaves broken off right at the the base of the main...
  15. jo2489

    leafs dying! please help!

    thanks guys, they're transplanted and had their first feed at 1/4 strength. we'll see how things go.
  16. jo2489

    please help! leafs dying!

    please help! noticed minor yellowing about a week ago and its just getting worse. growing in earthgro soil (organic no nutrients added) under cfl bulbs. plants are 2 and a half weeks into veg. watered when first inch or so of soil feels dry. giving 8oz water and drainage seems good. could the...
  17. jo2489

    leafs dying! please help!

    water when first inch or so of soil feels dry, havent really mastered the weight method. drainage is good, i water with 8oz of water and see runoff within 30 secs or so
  18. jo2489

    leafs dying! please help!

    this is a first time grow for me. im growing my plants under cfl bulbs in earthgro potting soil. the plant you see in the picture is 2 and a half weeks into veg. i started noticing a little bit of yellow in my leafs about a week ago. since then the problem has slowy gotten worse. the bottom...
  19. jo2489

    problem or normal, please help

    so...start adding nutes and see what she does?