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  1. grasscropper

    *SOS* droopy leafs on white widdow

    Looks and sounds like overwatering.... probe with your finger in the drainged holes as well as top of soil to see if they are dry. Light pot... water, heavy doesn't need it. Sometimes it's better to wait a day to water even if you think they are dry the bottom of the root ball can still be moist.
  2. grasscropper

    wtf is wrong with my plant

    ok... fabric is good as roots start peaking out and prune themselves. Bags I find you need to leave a lot longer between watering
  3. grasscropper

    wtf is wrong with my plant

    Are they in grow bags or fabric pots.... curious as I have used the bags and find that they hold a lot of water at the base of the plant and can go a lot longer without water.
  4. grasscropper

    Is it too early to cut my plants

    Yeah, I hear ya. I am fairly new to this. ALWAYS feel I am taking down too early, but to me they look ready. I have a Northern Lights auto that germinated Dec. 5 and it's STILL going... full flower now, but nothing fast about her. Mind you the room was cool.. I figure that may have had...
  5. grasscropper

    Is it too early to cut my plants

    So if we/I are at 6-7 weeks and see clear/milky you wouldn't take it any further. Many claim NO strain goes shorter than 8 weeks minimum. Mind you I have harvested earlier that 8 weeks many times.
  6. grasscropper

    Is it too early to cut my plants

    That's where mine's at... but still clear/milky yet. But sticky like glue.
  7. grasscropper

    almost 7 weeks into flower

    Yes some strains can in fact smell like cat piss. Like that male cat spray!!
  8. grasscropper

    Is it too early to cut my plants

    I'd wait it out a couple of weeks as well. They don't look that bad, in fact they look pretty good. Snip the affected leaves and let them go. I have a plant in soil that's got the same deficiency same stage of the game... so damn tempting, but I am going to leave her and go with it...
  9. grasscropper

    wtf is wrong with my plant

    So prior to cutting this 6" hole, you had no air flow at all? That will do it as well... you need an intake to bring in fresh air and an out to take out the hot/warm air... circulation.. and a fan or 2. Couple of clip ons would help. Sounds like heat stress to me. CFL's can get quite hot.
  10. grasscropper

    wtf is wrong with my plant

    May be a heat issue because if you look at those pics the bottom leaves are not clawing/curling. Just the upper leaves are.
  11. grasscropper

    guess my problem.

    I say N deficiency... they should be starting to be fed by now. Up potting may have helped there depneding on the specs of the soil you used to do that (ie are there nutrients in the medium).
  12. grasscropper

    Best/Easiest way to clone?

    Yup you can clone into water using a styrofoam as floating device.... peat pellets... rock wool, straight into soil almost anything all from things you have at home. Heat matt or heating pad used for aches and pains.
  13. grasscropper

    help identifying problem with flowering plant

    But get your pH in order prior to dealing with cal/mag. IF you're having pH lockout then these issues could take care of themselves once that is rectified. You need to get a pH tester, pen or even the paper and start there before anything else. TDS metre as well so you know the PPM of the...
  14. grasscropper

    Need help

    Yupa big boy.
  15. grasscropper

    Cyanobacteria "clear slime" scoffs at EWC Tea

    Cynobacteria is "red slime" algae. Commonly found in marine aquariums due to overfeeding. I didn't know you could get in reservoirs of fresh water.
  16. grasscropper

    help identifying problem with flowering plant

    pH issues are usually the casue of nutrients lock outs.
  17. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    $120 for a gram of coke here.
  18. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    I have never tried meth... just coke. No stinging involved. So I have done "coke" many many many times, what is pure coke supposed to feel like or do to us then? I would be pretty sure most coke is cut... but with what I don't know. I was told 'baby laxative" at one point. Which makes...
  19. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    It burned some and of course the numbing... something I like for some reason. First line is always the best, and it lasted maybe an hour..before we did another. New Years we did a bit... but wasn't burny... not racey. But I didn't think it was any good.
  20. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Then i have always had coke laced with meth i suppose. And here I wondered what meth would be like...