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  1. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Well he said he'd been around it very young... so maybe there are connections family wise. Me I start doing lines.. and have a drink..I am going until there's no more. And don't eat.. which isn't good because I am not very big.
  2. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    I don't understand how you cannot get strung out when you've been doing it for many hours straight. I am older now and it was fun in the day... but also found times when I'd look in the mirror and think wtf did I do to myself. That was it for me. And in a couple situation... oh that'd be bad bad.
  3. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    I also have an addictive personality, so I try to stay clear of situations where I know it will be an issue. Didnt' think the words "chill" and coke could go together.
  4. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Yeah... what we did when were were young... Now I just use sporatically if we come across it.
  5. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    OHHHH my god how are u able to get up for work!!! I'd be dead i think. So you indulge often
  6. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Ya that was over the course of about 4 hours watching BreakingBad on Netflix. A quarter gram last a week?
  7. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    I nearly fell off the chair laughing when a male friend called them "butterflies"... NOT me tho! hahaha
  8. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Makes sense this does.. I buy Hydrasense for a dry nose.. and at -24 it's as cold and dry as can be. I also have saline. My beak is killing me today burning like hell and sore. Did we do a lot... we a gram between 2 of us. Most I have done in probably 20 years. And do it like every 5 years...
  9. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Seemed lke a good idea at the time! Speedy shit....
  10. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    I can NEVER eat if I use it. But thankfully I am starving today and will not be indulging again any time soon.
  11. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    52... bra.. not bro..stupid of me to have gotten into that.
  12. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Ya that's it for me. Too OLD for that shit. I did fall asleep but today I am FULL of anxiety. And that is a horrible feeling.
  13. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    OUT of my clonazepamn...
  14. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Well I am settling down somewhat....too old for this! Had another beer and took some gravol .
  15. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    NEVER uusually hungryafter doing a gram of Blow
  16. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Yup your'e right or smoke a j
  17. grasscropper

    How to bring yourself down after coke

    Any suggestins that would allow me to sleep?
  18. grasscropper

    My experience with meth

    Isn't this much like COKE... I dabbled in that tonight. Not that I haven't before... But a little older now and decided tonight WTF. That's what I figured method too be like. Up ... alert..
  19. grasscropper

    my quest for seeds

    Leave us Canucks alone man! Did you just put those seeds in their pots... cause i always let them open in paper towel. At least you know they pop.
  20. grasscropper

    leafs curling up. whats the prob. how to fix??

    NOPE me neither... I'd say leave things alone