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  1. M

    Plant Doctor, are u there?

    Thank you for you reply. The problem is that this is happening now, the leafs are turning yellow now! and they are getting worse NOW!. The white thing is not a pistil, its actualy on the bud.
  2. M

    Plant Doctor, are u there?

    Hello guys, I´m facing this troublesome problem right now... They are on the 6th Week flower, 250HPS, i dont got the temps but i will collect them today. I started the flowering stage with Alga Bloom Plagron, but it ran out and i wasnt able to buy the same. instead i bought Biobizz Bloom (...
  3. M

    Harvest at 4th week flower?

    Thank you for your replies. That exactily what i was missing, pistils and trichomes are not the same. Thanks for you info.
  4. M

    Harvest at 4th week flower?

    Hey, I´ve got these 2 White Lemon sisters and they are only at the 4th Flower week. Looking at them i see that they have lots of amber/burn trichomes but Looking through the microscope i see that the trichomes are transparent/white. I´m a bit confused. Hope you guys can help, thanks...
  5. M

    Quick question about light

    Hey guys, I've just germinated and planted a auto seed. There is a cfl light question that need know, and probably as to do with the quantity of lumens a plant can get. I got 6 clf 20w, but probably i dont need to turn them all ON when the sprout come out right? I got an 250w hps for the...
  6. M

    Potassium def? looking for your advice

    Could it be from too much heat? Whats ppms? Thanks
  7. M

    Potassium def? looking for your advice

    Thanks for the reply, should i add more nutes?? The leafs feel crispy also
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    Potassium def? looking for your advice

    Hello guys, looking for you help These are the plants: This is the set: Clones in 4th week in flowering. Alga Bloom (06/12/10) 7ml in 1 liter water. Hesi root Complex 5ml in 1 liter water. water in 3 to 3 days (feed in all waters) (soil is completly dry after the 3 days). ~85F From what...
  9. M

    Need help identifying this problem

    Thanks for the help and for the trying not to be noob/listen to other people thing, but its not overwatering, its poor soil drainage. Thats why the soil looks like that. I´ve research the soil i use and looks like its know for is poor drainage. Some perlite will do the trick. thanks
  10. M

    Need help identifying this problem

    Maybe too much humidity?
  11. M

    Need help identifying this problem

    It cant be. last water was on the 13th.
  12. M

    Need help identifying this problem

    Hello Guys, Its a seed and its under 1Floros 18W(Lúmen: 1145). She was already like this 1 week ago, so i started to feed her last week hoping the problem would go away. Unfortunaly it doesnt seem like going. It seems her growth is stunt. Could it be lack of light? Thanks
  13. M

    BROWN huge spots on leafs, M problem?

    Hi again guys, a little help here please. This little princess is with these brown spots, can it be a N defency or toxity? They are on 12/12, Alga Boom nute in every water, PH is OK, humidity is 75%( i know that is way too wet, but cant make it better) She is in the 2º week in 12/12...
  14. M

    purple stems and yellow leaves

    Nute burn? On last pic some tips are burned, thats a sign of nute burn i think.
  15. M

    could it be cold?

    Thanks. Why do you say that it looks Hungry?
  16. M

    could it be cold?

    Hehe, sorry. Its 50F
  17. M

    could it be cold?

    hey guys, the bottom is turning purple. you think it could be from the cold? i have an window open all time, and temps might come down to much less then 50C. thanks
  18. M

    Chemical burn or def?

    Didnt know that light bleach existed. They say that the leafs turn yellow but the plant still grows. Plant 1 and 2 realy have grown since last friday. Going to back them off a little bit from the light and see what happens. Thanks for the tip
  19. M

    Chemical burn or def?

    there could have been a water, last monday, where the PH was not in the best level, but on the last watering (friday) it was good (6.35PH).
  20. M

    Chemical burn or def?

    It could be a big lock-out right? how many days does it takes for it to go away?