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  1. M

    White dot in seed

    Hey guys, i´m using the paper towel method to germinate my seeds. plate, humid paper towel, seeds inside, cover with plastic wrap. Yesterday the seed presented us with a white dot(i was hopping for a start of germinating), but today it stayed the same. Is it normal? Any help is welcome, thanks.
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    For 20000$ it male or female?

    Hey guys, help me out a little bit. I´ve got 99% sure, but its my first grow so i wanna be 100% sure. These guys are males right? And this baby is a little pretty girl right? Thanks Maxi
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    hey tyke1973. what do u mean with "should be on about 1.2 ec"? thanks
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    Thats a good method for the soil! thanks scroglodyte about the scrog'd, i was thinking on lst but only on one plant. This is my first grow so i wanna test diferent stuff on each, to get some experience. what do u think?
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    Can you realy tell the diference?? usualy how many days? thanks
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    watering from 3 to 3 days is ok? (on the 3rd day top soil is already dry) Thanks Maxi and is babies
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    Thought so, i already beat the guy up. Thanks Guys, i will post some new photos as soon as i go there again.
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    I started to nute them with this: 1 on every 3 waterings is OK? The Ph of the water is 6.0 and the soil i dont got any instrument to read the ph lvl.
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    911 whats your emergency? Please help me save my babies!

    Hey guys, I´m having a little trouble with my babies. This is how they are looking, and the top leafs are starting to curl too. Babie 1 Babie 2 These babies are not with me, they are at a friends house and i found out 2 days ago that they where watering 2 times a day... Babie 1 as 4...
  10. M

    Seed Problem

    The problem with the seeds was that they werent warm enought. The brown sprout tip is what´s worrying me.
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    Seed Problem

    Yes, but first i forgot and used tap water to water the soil. Fortunately seed was not in soil yet.
  12. M

    Seed Problem

    Hey guys. So...finaly my seeds have sprouted!!! Aléluia! It´s already on 12/12, but the sprout tip its a little bit brown. Light burn right? :( Also, when should i start to rootfood her? already to 3 to 3 days right? thanks, maxi
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    Seed Problem

    Got it. btw, i´m not using Distilled water, is that a "must"?
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    Seed Problem

    kk.. thanks for helping. :)
  15. M

    Seed Problem

    Shouldnt it be 48 ~ 72 hours? Is there a max time for waiting? Thanks
  16. M

    Seed Problem

    Hi there guys! I think i´ve got a little problem going on. It's been 72 hours since seeds where placed in the wet paper, and no signs of root. The plate is always wet and covered with a dark plastic to keep light out. Temp 16~18ºC (60~64ºF) humidity 58%. Seeds are blueberry feminized...
  17. M

    First Grow(closet)Room Schematic

    Can the dish of water and the fan raise humidity to 50-60%?
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    First Grow(closet)Room Schematic

    the temp is not a problem, i get 93ºF with no fan. with fan probably 76-82ºF. Going to test it today.
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    First Grow(closet)Room Schematic

    We have free foil, and emergency blankets and mylar are more expensive around my country :)
  20. M

    First Grow(closet)Room Schematic

    Hey guys.... I´m almoust finished with this project, but i´m having a problem with the humidity, its 28%. How can i raise it?