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  1. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Yes I will see if I can at the very least have another car parked for the night in the driveway. That may deter someone too.
  2. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    where do you get a gps chip... I am afraid to take that chance of it getting stolen because then I have nothing ... or at least not for months. I have plants in the crawl space in veg.. a tent in the basement with nothing ready yet to go in.... that also scares me if they come in and find this...
  3. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Yes, I think they will be back... going to get a motion sensor light and install today. I want something with noise too!
  4. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    I have two dogs... obviously aren't very good at things. No guns, but tonight I am going to sit up and wait for the bastards with a crowbar!!! I can bring the last poor girl in at night. But if they are bold, they will do what they want right.... sad thing is kids may not know that it's a...
  5. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Ok I am really really pissed off today... got up yesterday morning and my car had been rifled through. nothing solen.. as there's nothing in the car. Last night I locked my car and then this morning I got up and the gate is open and the big girl is gone from my deck. this plant was going to...
  6. grasscropper

    wtf is this??

    Well we are letting them continue on as is. Why not right. We just moved the one plant that is showing no signs of this away from these two. The one plant is a different strain. We shall see what happens I guess. We are only really about a week and a half into flower here. No smell to them at...
  7. grasscropper

    wtf is this??

    Nobody has any input here??
  8. grasscropper

    wtf is this??

    I don't know. Smells lemony or grapefruity. I got it last year and have been growing it ever since by cloning. I have one of the same in my yard and have grown many over the past year and none have done this. Could it be nutrients he's using? Here's a pic of my plant same strain outside as well.
  9. grasscropper

    wtf is this??

    A friend of mine has 3 plants outside. Just started flowering last week. Two are the same strain. The two that are the same have purple or black colouring to the bud sites. We took a bud off and looked at it under a scope and see no bugs and to me it doesn't look like mould either. I have the...
  10. grasscropper

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I started my ladies outside in about May. It's been kind of a crappy summer here and was a very long long winter. This week I see flowers starting. One a little further along than the other. Two different strains. First strain I have been growing for a year now. The 2nd is from seed which I got...
  11. grasscropper

    Autoflower light schedule & set up

    Now I found this light at Home Depot and just wondered if it could be utilized for growing. I currently flower under LED, two 300 watt. Then I was going to leave the autos in my veg area and thought I'd add to the light which is currently 4 t5s. This security light is a 150 watt hps for $89 with...
  12. grasscropper

    Autoflower light schedule & set up

    I was going to do 3 gallon fabric pots or bags. How long are we talking then from breaking ground to harvest approximately?
  13. grasscropper

    Autoflower light schedule & set up

    thanks for the input... so it is like a bonus during the wait time of regs. I will have to add some more light to the veg room even and open it up larger if required. Now next question... the 4 seeds have popped but I am leaving them in the paper towel for another night to get longer tap...
  14. grasscropper

    Autoflower light schedule & set up

    I have grown regular cannabis plants and now am going to try these autoflower. I have 10 seeds that I ordered online of a mixed bag of Autos from Vancouver seed bank. $15.00 figured can't go wrong and I'' give it a try. Question is can I have them in an area that is not tented off with the...
  15. grasscropper

    Girls or Boys

    On both? Ok, I will them going for now.
  16. grasscropper

    Girls or Boys

    My theory on both as well. I had one more that is definitely a female. Just about a week older and she's now in flower. So I am learning. So should I fire the little fella into flower to confirm? I may just plop him in the ground at the side of my house and let him go for the summer. No...
  17. grasscropper

    Girls or Boys

    They aren't in flower yet. I have had them in veg for about 2-3 months. Not in any rush to put them in flower because I have quite a few plants at the moment. Yeah I think the first one is a male too and the 2nd was more difficult to see. It's a tiny little nut tho.
  18. grasscropper

    Girls or Boys

    I have 2 plants here I started from seed. I think I have one male and one female... Here are the photos. Opinions would be appreciated. And yes I can put them into flower but I want to use these plants as mothers so would prefer not sexing using that method. I think this one is a male; &...
  19. grasscropper

    SCROG - Perpetual harvest?

    Yes but once I flip to flower can I add other plants at different intervals.
  20. grasscropper

    SCROG - Perpetual harvest?

    I would like to try the scrog method for a more even canopy and larger same size buds throughout. Question is can I add a plant to the two that are currently in their first week of training having one finish later. I know I could have done a screen over each plant which is what i still may do as...