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  1. D

    How do you use a PPM meter for nutes?

    Stick the meter into the solution and believe what it says... Seriously there is tons of information on this. Surf the Web. I would look into getting a meter that reads EC though. Look that up to. Don't be lazy. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    fuzzy white mold growing in my soil

    Pictures please. Check if it's in the soil or just on top. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    cannabis and hot peppers

    I bet they'd make a good companion being in the same container as the ladies. They'll take up the salts the ladies don't want. But at the same time they don't intrude in their space. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    Any other suggestions for my nute?

    I don't understand why people buy into the nute program gimmicks, just find one for veg that has the guaranteed analysis of majors and minors you want. Same for flower. 2 nutrient blends, plus maybe some addition of bat guano for flowering. Your yield will then depend not on the nutes...
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    Leaf Deficiencies!

    I have the exact one saved on my desktop. Don't get me wrong, defiantly a good reference chart. But a noob won't be able to tell the differences in person comparing to that chart. They'll think they have every deficiency lol. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    HELP! Vits/Nutes Problem (with Pics)

    Don't transplant them, they'll be way worse off. How long does your soil take to dry down completely after a watering? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    Plastic Baggies For Distribution

    It's a good price when your mass producing Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    Q: Quantity of bone meal in soil mix

    Good thinking with top dressing the guano. Whats the guaranteed analysis on the type you got? I add a half tbsp to my hydro, it dissolves in water.... But I'd do a higher rate for potted stuff. You should be able to dissolve the lime and water it in. When in doubt start with a little and...
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    First Time Grow... kinda

    Bud, Your on your way to growing a beautiful thing. Personally I like to keep lighting cycles as close to nature as possible. Also next time you germinate a seed, put it in a more than damp paper towel and throw it in the dark but not too cool. The tip should be about an inch long before...
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    Yep good idea. Or become a botanist Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    rinse the plants or no?

    I'm guessing bug me not is a pesticide. Whats it composed of? Neem oil mixed with animal fat soap will wash off easier. Harder to wash off straight oil. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    Q: Quantity of bone meal in soil mix

    Go about what? Going into flowering you want to lower the nitrogen levels instead of the status quo of pumping mad amiunts if phosphorus. The decrease in nitrogen is the key to flowering. Since your running a 15.15.15 I would consider running something else with all the minors in it while...
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    Q: Quantity of bone meal in soil mix

    Unless you add some living organisms to the soil that will break down the bone meal, it will be useless. Even if you do, potted container environments change so rapidly (you let it dry out fully, then fully irrigate for example) that it will kill the organisms anyways. Bone meal would be...
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    The leaves on my girls are curling up..any advice?

    Hey thanks for being the Jackass. Each thread requires at least one. Anyways @OP Try adding a more aeration. Also for the future with hydro, I find it a lot easier on the mind if you just use one supplement for veg and another for flower. All these program Shits get confusing. I...
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    The leaves on my girls are curling up..any advice?

    Disregard before edit
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    Please help figure out what is going on with these fine genetics

    Ok for the positive comment... The new leaves look good except that they are hungry. No problem, start some light feeding but only once the soil dries out. You can run full time light but just make sure you keep it cooler than someone who's running say 16 hours. If they're running 80...
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    The leaves on my girls are curling up..any advice?

    Oh and again I can't really tell by your pictures but your girls seem very crowded. Quanity is Quanity but Quality equals Quanity while minting Quality. *whistling* Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
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    The leaves on my girls are curling up..any advice?

    I was going to say over watering but your doing hydroponics. Which leads me to ask if the roots are submerged in water or is it a Dutch bucket kind of thing going on. I can't tell from your pictures. If the roots are submerged in water, leads me to wonder what type of aeration you have going...
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    some good info

    Great idea with the wick, I actually use it to drain perch water tables in my container veggies. Lol at you calling cannabis a weed though. Unless you mean the actual definition as it is an unwanted plant. That's what weed means, unwanted. Plant. I could have a strawberry growing and call...
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    Cold air and spider mites....

    They are technically stigmas... Yeah anything sprayed and absorbed through foliage is a systemic chemical. I spray them on the job daily with growth regulators and when it comes to spraying systemic pesticides.. It's tyvex suit, boots, nitrile gloves and full face respirator. I highly...