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  1. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    Wow. What you describe is not dissimilar to me. Hate drying my hair as it hurts and will start the day rolling. I too work on a computer almost all day and the phones I cannot stand. Constant nagging pain. Can't look up or down too long and the work people don't get it. I am miserable. At...
  2. grasscropper

    How did people in the 60s and 70s grow weed?

    We people of the 70's grew it outside. Well I had access to farm land and in a corner of the corn field we'd plant bag seed. Grew as tall as the corn!! We'd harvest it in the fall. Ended up with garbage bags of weed!! You'd buy a 'nickel' or a 'dime' bag. But it sure wasn't like what you can...
  3. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    What kind of movement are you capable of with fushions. Are you able to work? Can I ask your age and how you injured yourself. Cause I don't even really know how I did this. The easiest tasks are the most difficult. Like if I have to get something from under a bed or simply talking to someone...
  4. grasscropper

    Odour Control

    Not a fucking stupid question. I can grow in my open crawl space. However its huge. I can put plants in there by the dozen or just one. Again I am just starting this and I happen to be a lady.
  5. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    I probably get that many too. Then the dull headaches are constant.
  6. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    Haha. I work in an extremely toxic environment. Shrooms may be just what I need to get through a day. They are freaks.
  7. grasscropper


    This was or is from the mother I havenon my deck
  8. grasscropper


    She was potted just a week ago.
  9. grasscropper


    How big should my clone be when I top it.
  10. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    I have never tried shrooms. I am willing to try anything. I work full time so I have to be able to do my job. I throw up with the migraines when they're bad. Go back to my desk and finish my day. Did surgery help Raeofsun13? Nobody seems to believe it can be that bad. A lot of my reason for...
  11. grasscropper

    Clones aren't rooting but look healthy??

    Okay so my local shop wants $50 for a heat mat. WTF!!
  12. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    Thanks. Looking now.
  13. grasscropper

    What MJ is good for chronic pain

    I have chronic pain. Herniated disks in the cervical spine. Degenerative disk disease. I have constant head aches and migraines. I take anti inflammatory drugs. Immitrex for migraines and well codiene or tylenol 1. I am miserable and can't do much without the fear of being sick next day...
  14. grasscropper

    Odour Control

    I have made a cabin/tent. About 4x4x4. I have 6" fans coming. God I hope they work. You see I am a girl/female/woman. I have done all this building and wiring myself. Nobody knows what I am doing. Other than the couple of plants outside. I intend on continuing things inside for fall winter. I...
  15. grasscropper

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Mr. Outdoors. Love love the dog. Avatar no. Yours?? French Mastive or Dogue de Bordeaux. Love the plants too. I am outdoor growing a couple on my deck. First time and really don't know what to expect. She's pretty tho.
  16. grasscropper

    Fuck it im gonna get bashed anywhere so post here

    She's only a puppy! I have seen dogs with epilepsy seize and they briefly come out but not for long. Does she have many daily? My bulldog had it. She was on phenobarbital. It is cheap but hard on their liver. But that doesn't matter because what's the Alternative. She needs to rest after...
  17. grasscropper

    Something for adult adhd?

    Me too. Mild antidepressant. Now I don't get the meds covered as I am working and company I work for doesn't provide benefits. That's an issue in itself. Need a job that does provide these benefits.
  18. grasscropper

    Something for adult adhd?

    Well I have similar issues. I am almost 51. Female. Take it you aren't living in Canada where medical attention is provided?? I am bored to death. Hate my job. Failed relationships. Failed marriage. Not a parent. Was a step parent to kids who I have never seen since the day I left. I guess...
  19. grasscropper

    Clones aren't rooting but look healthy??

    Yup will grab one at my local hydroponics shop. You can't beat $6
  20. grasscropper

    Odour Control

    No the t5's are free!!! I work for an flood and fire restoration company and these fixtures and lights were deemed non-salvageable. So for nothing I am taking these bulbs and fixtures. Along with a ton of other pet supplies. I looked at these contents last night. All in boxes still!!