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  1. D

    Maximize efficiency!

    All very appreciated advice. Thank you very much. I'm definitely liking the cloning. The single plant I trained for months did not impress me with yield enough. So as of now, I'm rocking 2 mother plants at a time. Which I will switch out periodically when I find better genetics, but I'm taking...
  2. D

    Maximize efficiency!

    Sorry late reply. Right now with the small space I'm in and legal status in my area, the goal is mainly just to have enough that I don't have to buy, but I am also very much interested in relocating and getting into some more commercial growing. So that said I'm not exclusively looking for the...
  3. D

    Am I doing this right?

    A Don't tease me. Im not sure how the light from these cobs will translate into yeild. I've heard people say to assume 1g per watt under ideal conditions with a high producing strain. Makes sense due to the directional nature of a cob and that it's light is concentrated in a conical pattern...
  4. D

    100w DIY Build and Tips

    I'm quickly finding that i would have been MUCH better off going with 2 chips spaced apart a little for better better penetration, the point source and highly directional nature of the cobs make it so that very little light diffuses to the leaves under any shade.
  5. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Looking through my camera phone and checking dates, it appears that the day I switched it to 12/12 was on Feb 8. and the first buds started appearing around the 17th. So I guess it has really only been forming flowers for about 2 weeks. Wow that makes my mind easier, I was thinking it was much...
  6. D

    Clones all dying

    Thanks for the advise! I'll definitely do that, they are cheap. Do you think I should go rock wool, rapid rooters or peat plugs for the highest strike rate? And good news, the 2 clones that did root are doing great. They've been vegging nicely for a while, and almost all of the new growth looks...
  7. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Really I guess I'm just a little concerned that the buds are still not very bulky yet. Is this fairly normal for about halfway through flowering? Is it going to put on bud growth faster as it gets on into the last week's?
  8. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Oh yeah, and the string i'm using along side the pipe cleaners is that stretchy soft beading string us ravers use to make candi. The pipecleaners are just wrapped around a piece of velcro which sticks to the fabric. In general, the soft string is not strong enough to hold down big stems without...
  9. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Dude, I feel like its been SUPER effective, but I also clearly see why no one does it. I've pruned the leaves that don't get light pretty aggressively. The COB light doesn't seem to diffuse much at all, so its easy to tell when leaves aren't getting enough cause they look pretty sad and curled...
  10. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Also any guess on what this is going to yield?
  11. D

    Am I doing this right?

    Title says it all. This is my first grow and I've never even seen a flowering plant before, so I'm not sure how it's going haha. Do you guys see anything glaring that I could be doing better? Ive gone a little LST crazy. Probably should have just done a scrog since that's what the plant looks...
  12. D

    Clones all dying

    Well I don't know the temperature of the water, buy a thermometer place onto of the cloning unit reads 25 celcius. RH 43%. I placed foil over the majority of it to keep the light down to a minimum. and 2 clones sprouted some roots! But I'm afraid that it took so long that the plants might be...
  13. D

    Full spectrum COB's?

    Has anyone played with these? I'm using a regular warm white 100w verison for flowering. I'm about to get 2 50w cool white for veg...
  14. D

    Clones all dying

    Thank you for the reply! I suspected light stress but I thought these weak bulbs couldn't possibly be doing this. Realistically, I should probably take the unit out of the veg space altogether I guess, maybe find a place near a window? I'm thinking also about only using bottled water. Those...
  15. D

    Clones all dying

    I have a lot of bag seed I'm going through looking for my favorite strains to grow, but i'm having some problems getting any clones to root. I made this really cheap bubble cloner, but nothing has rooted in it. The cheap cloner is just a Tupperware container full of plain tap water, with an...
  16. D

    Flip Chip Opto?

    Can I solder it to a block of ice?
  17. D

    Flip Chip Opto?

    Jesus, what area could you light with that? And from what hight does it have to be?
  18. D

    Flip Chip Opto?

    These things look ridiculous... With 2400 watts it seems I could set up a nice grow-space on the moon. Does anyone have a theoretical application which would help me wrap my mind around this thing? Also I've seen this company floating around...
  19. D

    Why no red COB's?

    I mean, unless its a stock market scam and dude is trying to hype a fake company, i'm kinda excited to see these products. Of course, i'll be buying only through amazon prime.
  20. D

    Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

    Dude, this thread. I'm dying. Edit: I might be a little too high, I can't stop laughing at the avatars.