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  1. D

    Weird Issues

    So you are such an arrogant prick that you ASSUME the only possibly way he could agree with me, is if he had not read the entire thread? That sounds like the definition of haughty to me.
  2. D

    Weird Issues

    Growth on the big one just started getting explosive, idk what happened but she grew a whole extra set of fan leaves on each stem while I was at work. Also, plant physiology question. Do the stems grow lengthwise along the whole stem, or only from the tip?
  3. D

    Weird Issues

    And FYI: I've stopped adding anything to the feedings, I'm aerating my water before giving it to the plants and letting it sit, I've transferred the plants into fox farm soil, I've put them into fabric pots, and I've fixed their watering schedule All of these things were advice I followed...
  4. D

    Weird Issues

    Yeah actually, more than once, people have told me to do things and then someone else said to do the opposite. I'm not here for an instruction manual, or for you people to make my decisions for me. I'm here to learn about these issues i'm facing and why they are occurring, and what I should do...
  5. D

    Weird Issues

    This is a really rude community. Here are some pic updates.
  6. D

    Weird Issues

    Idk man, they were burned and stunted, but they both seem to be doing fine now. They are getting bigger. I'll post more pics soon. I'm using ocean forest, not happy frog. I don't really plan on having to add nutes till flowering.
  7. D

    100w Chip LEDs, full spectrum!

    Does anyone have any experience with these 100w LED chips? I bought a few and some power supplies, boost coverters, and cpu coolers. Gonna...
  8. D

    Weird Issues

    So I figured I'd throw another idea out there for you guys to make fun of. Perhaps someone will actually discuss it. The air-stones in the soil probably didn't do much, but I was thinking, what If you aerated the water before giving it to the plants? Like what if you just kept airpumps going...
  9. D

    Weird Issues

    Oh so you do think it is nute burn that extreme and that fast? I was thinking perhaps the plants were so ph locked for so long, being put in the right soil probably was like opening the flood gates, perhaps the mix being hot as it is coupled with the abrupt correction in ph just really jacked it...
  10. D

    Weird Issues

    Unfortunately I don't have a permanent thermometer on her yet. I ordered a few $2.00 LCD + probe hygrometers and thermometers on ebay, just waiting on them to arrive. Even if its not the problem, it will be one less thing to worry about. I did prune the very top set of fan leaves. They were at...
  11. D

    Weird Issues

    I really think my sleath curtain just caused too much heat to build up in there. The ambient temp is set to 75. It's in a closet, behind a curtain, with 7 cfl bulbs running in an enclosed space with no circulation, It probably just built up to much heat. I'm just going to leave the curtain up...
  12. D

    Weird Issues

    I rinsed the roots off gently with room temp tap water, till I got most of it off. then build a little mound in the new soil and tried to situate the roots to cover the mound before filling it in with soil. After transplant, I gave it a little water but not much, not enough to drain any out the...
  13. D

    Weird Issues

    6 weeks approx.
  14. D

    Weird Issues

    This has to be a light or heat issue, because the problem isn't limited to old or new growth, it is simply more severe higher up on the plant. Maybe this was a random runaway heat buildup? from a curtain blocking air just right or something?
  15. D

    Weird Issues

    These pics are from yesterday, and today. What on earth would cause such a rapid die-off of leaves? And should I cut the dead fan leaves off? They are blocking off light to dozens of tiny but really green and healthy young leaves around the stem. And the top set is all but completely dead anyway.
  16. D

    Weird Issues

    So here is a question. its been 2 days since the transplant. And the bigger plant is now doing a lot worse. Pretty much all of the fan leaves have burned off. and there are white splotches on the newest growth. I raised the lights about 4 inches in case. But It may have something to do with...
  17. D

    Weird Issues

    Can't be that simple. I have to at least have separate veg and flour area to keep a mother. Ideally, I'd like to have the one large mother permanently producing clones in one can. The clones I get will go into solo cups and after they are rooted well they will go into the veg can. Then I have 2...
  18. D

    Found a new LST tie down

    I've heard not to use fishing line, as its too fine and can damage the plant. I never thought about the pipe cleaners, that might be perfect. They also make soft garden wire. Its specifically designed for this and its cheap as shit...
  19. D

    Weird Issues

    Ok to date, no plant I have germinated has yet died, and the one is doing great with 6 tips growing after the FIM. So you don't have to be such an ass. I mean seriously WTF would you like me to do? Return all this stuff and just hang a CFL bulb from a hanger in my closet? This equiptment is...
  20. D

    Weird Issues

    Yeah well like I said, its the next thing on the list, but I'm using only a 1/4th normal dose dilution and in the pattern water, water, feed.. OK I mean thats fine, I don't have to use it. someone on here suggested I still need some food with the soil. $150 Would be if you spend your money...