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  1. D

    Weird Issues

    In the organic soil I first had them in, I was under the impression I wouldn't need many nutes, that it would get most of them from the soil. But now im not as sure, because I know the peat mix has some nutes in it but not a ton. I didn't imagine that it would be this difficult to get a serious...
  2. D

    Weird Issues

    I said I'm not giving them anything but plain water yet. And as I recall, thats the advice I was given. I wasn't giving them any because I figured the miracle grow mix its in is pretty hot as it is. My question was should I start or should I transplant them into good soil?
  3. D

    Weird Issues

    So here is the update. Most of the yellow leaves died off the smaller plant, so i trimmed them off. The new growth seems healthier, but its growing very slowly. The smaller plant is actually 2 weeks older than the larger one. The larger one is steadily recovering from the over-watering. I'm...
  4. D

    Weird Issues

    I truly get your point. I wouldn't have done these things if I didn't damage them by putting them in the wrong soil and over-watering them in the first place. I realize that the h202 will kill good bacteria. But it seemed to be the only way to get oxygen to the roots so I am only spot watering...
  5. D

    Weird Issues

    Well thank you for the advice, but honestly I don't think I should follow it yet. See how the tips of the new leaves are yellow, but the new growth is green? That green corresponds to when I began the vinegar. I strongly suspect that the pH was too high for the plant to absorb some nutrients...
  6. D

    Weird Issues

    I'm a little lost here. I have 2 small plants here that are about 3 and 4 weeks old. Grown from bag seed, I thought they were the same strain but I'm thinking now that they are definitely not. It looks like one is an indica and one is a sativa. I started them out in an organic soil mix, but...