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  1. sologro

    How much you think i can yield?

    yeah that looks like a long veg for sour... plus during the first 3 weeks of flowering sour stretches a lot so prepare for them to get a lot bigger in the next week or 2
  2. sologro

    Harvesting Plants at Different Times - How far along should the EARLY plant be?..

    you shouldn't harvest anything before week 7 or 8.. if i were you i would use a scope and watch the trichs and cut 1st one with all cloudy no amber and keep going the more amber you get... no one likes premature bud
  3. sologro

    A question not covered by most tutorials.

    that does not look ready bro...
  4. sologro

    first time growing indoor plant !!

    should use at least 2 fans.. 1 intake 1 exhaust.... you need a ph test kit... you can give them nutes but if the ph is to high or low the plant wont take the nutes so its pointless without ph tester... and have fun!
  5. sologro

    The final countdown!

    just took a tiny snip off the sd to look at trichs... then toked the lil .2 and OH YEAH! short lasting high but straight to the head high.. for a second i didnt know what was going on!
  6. sologro

    The final countdown!

    thanks man yeah bro thanks man... i will put up some more in a few days once there is a good noticeable difference!
  7. sologro

    The final countdown!

    the sd were clones to... just from someone else who hooked it up they were allrdy rooted.... sour is my favorite all day
  8. sologro

    The final countdown!

    thanks man... little more info on set up... room is 13Lx7W... 3 600watt hps... selene 1 co2 generator... soil... fox farm nutes... i let the sour veg for like 3 weeks... the other 6 were clones from a buddy that came late so only veg for like a week... got a couple of the sd's outside now and im...
  9. sologro

    The final countdown!

    lol yeah bro!
  10. sologro

    The final countdown!

    Hey dudes... almost here... im on day 52... here is how they are looking... the 10 sd's should be done day 64 ( they better since i need to get out of my house that weekend!) .. the 2 chem doggz should be done around the same time... the 2 ssh and 2 ak's should be done in the next 5 days or...
  11. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    yeah bro i would never cook the buds thanks man! yeah so my conclusion is a buddy who owns a ski house/condo in the area is giving it to me for the 4 days my landlord comes up and im just gonna dry in his place, without him knowing either, but it will be cool... told him i would pay for a...
  12. sologro

    My plants are too bushy for my grow room. Some good advice is needed.

    i would trim all the bottoms and make an even canopy so you have good air flow over the canopy and under.... you want them to look like this with an even canopy... get some huge colas!
  13. sologro

    70w MH light question

    with a 70w you can put them almost right up to the plants... it will only take a few minutes to heat up... you put 600watts 18 inches away tops
  14. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    thanks bud ... thats what i was thinking of doing... but making my own tent with 6 mil plastic and pvc pipe... big enough for humidifier and my carbon filter is big so i would filter into that outside the room
  15. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    how smelly is it?
  16. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    Here's a few pics... the 2 taller light have the 10 sours.. and the smaller light has the 2 chem 2 sh 2 ak
  17. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    yeah bro thanks for helping! im planning on 2-3 lbs.. i got a crazy canopy going with lots of huge nugs coming... i normally hang my buds do you just pile them in the rubbermaid?
  18. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    no body has anything to input?
  19. sologro

    Drying method

    the advantage is space... its easier and takes up less room to hang them.. on the racks the buds have to be evenly spaces which depending on your yield would normally require a lot of racks...on racks you also have to flip over the buds daily or one side would dry and the other would stay wet...