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  1. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Just tie it to pull it away from the light man should be fine. R u week five of flower if so then the plant should not grow any more just colas will. Also harvested my plants on 11th just gone into jars for curing now and got a good yeild of the two plants. 196g and 234g will do me nicely till...
  2. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    I take my cuttings at week 1 and week 5 of flower gives me a nice perpetual crop
  3. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    As for taking clones in flower....u can do it up till week 4 of flower regardless of budd development. Once u know what ur doin with it u can take even week 5-6. I find longer into budding longer they take to root and revert back to veg but also result in much bigger plants when older
  4. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Sorry for late reply mate. In that pic they were at week 4
  5. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Heya dscj....thanks for that chart looking at it om thinking nitrogen deficiency. maybe middle to late stages what do u think?
  6. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Hey cpappa ty for complement on my plants. Maybe it could be the peat moss as I didn't use that last time. It would be awesome if I could get that recipe mate would be much appreciated. Thanks for your input and a merry christmas to you and yours.
  7. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Peat moss and soil mix john innes or whatever his name lol
  8. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Anyway tonight I have gave them a big flush after letting them go bone dry....some signs of nute burn showing today so maybe that was just it but have never heard of it before. Im noob to growing inside but environmental factors have all been checked. light on temp is 27-29c Light off temp is a...
  9. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Couldn't get decent closeup of pale leaves so removed one and took pic. Also I am aware the plant will stop growing my issue is with the buds....have and no gain in size or density for 5 days now and also trichome production seems to have halted also. For sure r not pollination as I have no...
  10. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    With lights off if that helps
  11. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Ya I understand about pics but can't till lights go on later as I did state in OP. but whilst im waiting for the next 13 hours I posted incase anyone has come across same problem before. Thanks for help tho.....
  12. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    I have never had nute lock before. How long does it take for nute burn to show on the plant
  13. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    I use rain water with ph of 6.4
  14. jonny think different

    help needed plz

    Update....I put the smaller of the autos in with the hps on 12/12 and guess what....she is no longer the smallest :) she is now larger than both the others with an extra 2 inches of growth and also a lot more side branching. Ty all for ur help one love!!
  15. jonny think different

    stopped budding

    Hey guys n gals... ok so I got two random plants currently in week 5.3 of flower. Using a 600w dual spectrum hps in a grow tent with carbon filter heater and dehumidifier. Problem is....the buds have not grown at all since 4 days ago. Only thing I can think that has changed around then is the...
  16. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Just a thought mate....I got shown it and never looked back :)
  17. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Dude trust me take some clones at week 3 of flower. That way next plants won't need any topping or fimming or anything just some tying down to open up.....this way u will have dozens of tops with no recovery time needed after topping and such. These girls are all natural growth didn't even tie...
  18. jonny think different

    help needed plz

    lol only my second indoor grow all others been outside so will take ur word on the subject lol
  19. jonny think different

    help needed plz

    Ok cool ty for ur advice....sorry didnt mention power the hps is a 600w dual spectrum. And ueah sorta right but once the photos done I would keep the autos undr the hps just up the light hrs again. Bur if u think better to leave as is I will....ty for help
  20. jonny think different

    help needed plz

    The photos and autos