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  1. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Yay all three super skunks broke through.....let the games begine. also two bag seed doing really well they in the middle of their stretch and nodes keeping no more the 1cm apart budding real tight internodes so happy dayzzzzz
  2. jonny think different

    Cigarette butt thief/thieves

    Maybe it was chopper.....on a mad one just grow a shit tonne more weed and cut out tha bacco altogether
  3. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Also I would lollypop the plants everything below the screen will push bigger tops. But thats up to u mate.....cfls have around 6 inches of decent light.....after that they lose like 60-70% loss in good light so anything too far away will result in small fluffy popcorn budda. Wit tha cfl u want...
  4. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Ya I agree deffeo want more root space....I personally having the hps would allow the tops to grow in amongst the cfl if u can space them a bit more.....I will try and find pic of old grow I had the tops right up inbetween the hanging cfls and man those bud were rock hard and frosty as hell
  5. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    One of the super skunks broke through the soil today hope the other two do tomorrow
  6. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Also why can't u transplant??
  7. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    I trained it so the tops grew up inbetween the cfls did a real nice job
  8. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    276w will give u a nice yeild fella. For my next photo grow ima try a semi vertical scrog. Scrog is for sure the way forward when working with my buds from my cfl were so damn frosty and I got 2oz of decent trim that made some very good oil :)
  9. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Looking good mate. How much cfl is that?
  10. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Ok so stupid site wont let me upload pics but all three supers germed and have now gone into their final pots under the cfls.
  11. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Hps grow tent sorry for poor pics will sort better for next log
  12. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Cfl grow box nt the best setup but it works well
  13. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Ok so these r pics of the two photos I am in week 2 of flower. They were monster cropped 5 yes 5 weeks into flower. I know this is a bit late but it has always worked for me. The reason I do it is I dont have to do and high stress training. No topping fimming super cropping just a but of tying...
  14. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Hey hows it going at week first grow was pure cfls and I loved them tbh. Gone hps for growth and yeild but thats cos I bought a tent. Space I had before was under stairs so cfl was perfect. Will be along for the ride on this one gl
  15. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    This my first indoor grow and the mother of the two i have going now. This is three weeks from harvest. Thought i would show somat whilst i wait for lights to come on to show current grows :)
  16. jonny think different

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey am new to site and new to indoor growing. Have just started my first grow journal. Bag seed and super skunk auto and dp think different will upload pics lata when lights come on. One love all
  17. jonny think different

    Seeds in my first Auto Mango Grow.....WTF ?

    Yeah it happens used to get it alot outside. As said above should mostly be female and tbh one seed in every other budd.....coulda been a lot worse fella.
  18. jonny think different

    super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

    Hey there guys this is my first grow journal and also my second indoor grow. First was a bag seed that I grew under cfl. Was an indica that gave me 136g dry done on scrogg net with bio bizz soil and nutes. Currently I have two cuttings from this bag seed plant under 600w dual spectrum hps in an...