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  1. jonny think different

    help needed plz

    Ok guys....I got two bag seed photos that just hit week 4 of flower. All going well but my problem...I have three super skunk auto's that r for bho and freebie seeds so I have them on day 10 under 225w mixed cfl for 20/4. My question is will I get more from the autos under the cfls for the 20/4...
  2. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Nah am uk....and not sure about international mate
  3. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Im sure most of the pre paids should work mate. Not used them before but the wife does for internet shopping
  4. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    First plant wasn't topped at all it grew like that naturally....and plant was weaved through it problem was screen was to close during veg so grew high above it.....also porpous it served was to pull the branches away from the middle in doing so I gained 4 extra tops. So it served it purpose...
  5. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    I get them from dutch passion website. Tbh I never seen what it comes out as on statement but all postage and everythin is discreet so I asume statements the them and ask they good peeps
  6. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Nah transplant once ur sure if ur not in no rush.....pointless wasting soil. Also if I do transplant I dont fees nutes for two weeks as soil I use is high in nutes
  7. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    U have advantage on what I did with the hps.....if all goes well there is no reason why ur grow cant get a real high yeild.....u also got the cfls for supporting light
  8. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Yeah I had same issues with first scrogg....don't worry after this one all other will be easy and u will learn what works for u and what dont....I was there the same place though on first real nervous of fkin up haha
  9. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    LOL I would go horizontal till u got scrogg thing down lol I intend to try vertical next scrogg wanna watch some more vids on it first but for sure I think vertical is the way forward for small grows. As for scrogg u can start in end pot and srill scrogg the same
  10. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    lol u will be fine dude nothing better then scrogg grows.....also most important tip I can give is get a jewelers loupe......60x magnification and check ur trics if u don't already. I see a lot of ppl harves and its too early.....the plant really put weight on during the last week or two. I have...
  11. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    No keep hps there....I mentioned to move the cfl bar and net around cos I think with cfls under the net u will likely have burn issues. Whereas with cfls right above net yo can train the plant tops around them do u see?
  12. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Hey man I learnt outside to just start in finishing pot....everytime u transplant or hst u take her back a few crop at week 3-5 of flower once roots took put right into end pot....this way u no need to top or fim or supercrop and also no need to transplant saving urself an...
  13. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    I mean that was 139g from just 225w cfl
  14. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    This was my last one....bit hard to see sorry no better pics....but by time flower finished the tops were in amongst the cfls
  15. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Depends on ur time fella....if u want to keep to shirt vegging time I would put some nails in walls and put screen right below cfls....lots to go on so here bear with me. Ok first with cfls below screen u wont need to lollypop but may suffer from burn as not much space between cfls. The...
  16. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    They will reach but may have to veg and little longer.....I would allow them to veg an exta week or two if it was me cos that extra little time is well worth while by the end......remember the stretch to when they current grow is putting on at least an inch a day atm in its stretch...
  17. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Can't see to clear but the look more duck billed shaped then round tbh so leads me to think pics every mornin but I would say by tomorrow evening should be able to tell for sure
  18. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Will the screen be sitting above the pole that the cfls come of? Sorry mate bit confused abiut ur placement lol
  19. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Yeah depends on ur cloning methods. I likey clones small as poss with three leaf points.....usually no bigger then three inches...but I do know people who take much larger and longer cuttings for clones. Neither has advantage over other tbh is just my personal preference
  20. jonny think different

    DIY Stealth Grow Cab Scrog Soil!!

    Send a pic asap mate should be able to tell within the first day tbh