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  1. Stinky Buds

    How Plants Work

    Excellent post, helped me!:clap:
  2. Stinky Buds

    Freshwater Fish tank water as nutrient supplement?

    I've got a 220g South American tank w/an Oscar, a Chocolate cichlid, a Severum, an Eartheater, 6 silver dollars and a little pleco. I change half the water every week, changing out my 8 gallon res with it. Because I change the water so often, the nutrients in the tank are quite low (5-10 ppm...
  3. Stinky Buds

    how often to add cal\mag

    Could they be Thrips? The key to identifying them for me was the distinct markings on the leaves. They also spent part of their lives in the substrate, crawling the plants later.
  4. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    I applied spinosad, waited 4 days and applied it again. No more thrips since. It's the shiz! Harvested those babies last week... :peace:
  5. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    Here's a link to how things turned out:
  6. Stinky Buds

    Great site!

    50%+ cloudy trichomes yesterday, started flush. Here's some pics:
  7. Stinky Buds

    Great site!

    Thanks for the welcome, I'll post up some pics in the next few days. Just got a USB scope I'm playing with too, so I can pop up some cool pics of what looks to be some pretty densely packed trichomes. Makes me drool thinking about them... :weed:
  8. Stinky Buds

    Great site!

    Lots of good info all over in here. I've played with both indoor and outdoor over the past couple decades, but finally talked the wife into saving some huge coin and got my little thing going. Did the first round with DWC but converted to drip irrigation in hydro corn. 2 x 360W HPS and a 220 cfm...
  9. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    Still no signs of any further bugs.... Spinosad is the shiz:clap: Nothing but fat sugary goodness. 8 ball Kush x 4, 3 weeks left. :weed:
  10. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    8 days since hitting them with Spinosad for the second time. No bugs. :)
  11. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    Thanks all! I'll get some soap... I think the little buggers hitchhiked in on some garden plants my wife brought in for winter, they're not in the grow room, but in an adjoining room. Spraying them at the same time in an effort to take them all out. Cheers!
  12. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    I know you can get it in the US, but I'm in Canada. Here (in Ontario anyway) we can't unless you have the license I mentioned. Luckily, I got a place in Florida to ship me some.8) So, I'll pre-emptively blast them again in a couple days, which will be the 2nd round of Spinosad. Of course I hope...
  13. Stinky Buds

    Spinosad vs. Thrips

    I've been fighting thrips since 1st week of flowering late Dec., can't buy Spinosad here unless you're a licensed applicator. So while I hunted some down on line, I got some Schulz's and wacked the little buggers. 5 days later, they're back, so I wack them again (New Years day). Inspected daily...