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    Drunk Vs. Blazed

    when i get drunk, i focus on fun, dancing (usually like an idiot), more drink, laughing with my friends about the stupidest shit... and also sex.... drunk = horny :D if you think about negative stuff whilst drunk, then stop drinking alone ;)
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    belly's gonna get ya!
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    Ten Things...

    i liked the "new user" one, not very often you get friendly replies like that (except in pot site forums, i've noticed) lol
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    Ten Things...

    Ten things you never hear in an internet forum.... Red vs. Blue · View Episode Comments :peace:
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    Bus beheading in Canada...

    Being a barman i've had to deal with pissed off people with knives before, usually wanting to stab me... i've been saved by people who don't even know me, and i've had to deal with it myself, it's not hard to disarm someone with a knife if you use your head, but guess which situation i was more...
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    Bus beheading in Canada...

    If it was someone you knew or cared about, and no-one helped (assuming you werent there yourself)... how would you feel? would you still say there werent cowards?
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    Bus beheading in Canada...

    All the people who say they would do nothing... shame on you, what if it was someone you cared about? would you do nothing then? what if it was YOU, i'm sure youd appreciate a bus full of cowards wouldn't you.... for the record, i would have tried to help... i may not have succeeded, but i...
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    Amsterdam Coffee Shops

    dont remember those kinda details of my amsterdam trip, The Little Coffeeshop was one of my fave places... it's not far from Mellow Yellow, like literally a few steps and it's a very small but cozy place with a good selection of green..... i prefered the smaller less crowded places myself, you...
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    My Girlfriend ..

    Makes it easier for chicks to fuck with us.... Interesting story Flip, sorry it had to happen to you but props for how you handled it. :blsmoke:
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    LOL.... i really don't want to start a rivalry.... but it would be fair to let you know i play in a clan with my friends (as in real life friends) and we're pretty good... on a good day.... which is most definatly not today (excuse!).... but i will teabag you some time in the future no doubt...
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    The Dark Knight

    Jokers past is one of the biggest mysteries of the Batman comics, it's doubtful anybody can confirm that.
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    could be your net connection wasn't setup for "sharing"?... that one took me a while to figure out?.... idk dude, i've been up for a couple days now so my brains a little fucked... specially when it comes to the complicated computer shite lol =[ maybe we'll meet in a Halo match at some point...
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    do you have a wireless router? or do u use a modem (dsl or otherwise)?
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    I admit gettin to work online for the first time was a pain in the arse.... but eventually i just guessed by hooking everything up as need and running the "initial setup".... worked like a dream ever since.
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    i played fine on my broadband modem without a second ip address... before i got my wireless router, so i really don't understand where you get that idea from. :confused:
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    ummmmm, i didnt need a 2nd ip.... before OR after i got my router... so i don't really understand that post
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    Anybody play the 360 online??

    Halo 3 addiction is strong in my blood atm.... and Xbox360 is overall better than a PS3.... this vid explains why, more or less... (Keep watching, it takes a min for the console arguement to come up) YouTube - It's a Wonderful Live: Episode 2 Elite package Owns, biggest hard drive, plus...
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    Wana get laid by hot chicks

    just go to amsterdam
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    The Dark Knight

    you should still go see the movie, it's quite good.... only one bad bit of acting i seen... Angelina Jolie steps in front of target.. "shoot the target"... James Macavoy says "you're crazy" .... watch for it, cheesiest line ever lol.... other than that it's still a good movie.... it just...
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    The Dark Knight

    ok if you say so.... but i don't wanna ruin anything so i'll talk about the comic.... first a quote... "A Few months ago i was as ordinary and pathetic as you... But look at me now, blowing holes in men of steel and slitting the throats of dark knights" this is the REAL Wesley Gibson.... son...