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    The Dark Knight

    no denying Heath Ledger had mascara on... he musta pissed off the make-up department before shooting.
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    The Dark Knight

    Is there a "Wanted" Thread by any chance, i wouldn't mind voicing my opinion of THAT monumental fuckup lol
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    lol, damn you got my hopes up there for a sec.
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    The Dark Knight

    Thats just his excuse
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    The Dark Knight

    it's only good if you haven't read the comics, so your probably all good.... it was just a real let down for the fans of the comic, like myself
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    The Dark Knight

    Batman Begins was better..... and a lot more darker in my opinion... in the Dark Knight he didn't kill anyone, allthough he contemplated it yes, but didn't do it... however in Begins he let Raz Al Ghul die at the end... I also expected a better fight between him and joker at the end, not a...
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    newbie here, be gentlekiss-ass
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    this thread is nuts!