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  1. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    That's what I was thinking Loon, probably wont hurt to run it but I am gonna wait to flower time which is about 1-2 weeks away
  2. Mr John

    6 plant bagseed grow 166w cfl+175w mh

    In the reply box look at the icons. The one that has a square widow with a tree in it is the insert image. Use that to locate the picture file on your computer to upload it.
  3. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Do you folks with the IG420 run your pontoons during veg or just flowering? Right now my toon is off and I am still in veg phase. Is there any benefit to turning the pontoon on? I am afraid of getting hermies if the red spec is on. Am I confused lol.
  4. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    hyroot thanks for the help. I cannot get a shot at the roots, got my tray setup and really do not want the plants disturbed. There are a few roots coming out of the bottoms of the grow baskets. Roots are white and healthy looking. One plants roots were slightly brown from being in standing...
  5. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Folks can you help here. Seems my ladies slowed down growing, they are almost 4 weeks old and not stretching very much. I raised my IG420 up to 30 inches seeing if I had the light too close before (was 20) and did not seems to make any difference. Strains are c99, amnesia, and LSD. They are...
  6. Mr John

    Design upgrade. please look at my diagram

    I like it, can you have the intake fan/ducting straighter and shorter? Hook it up to the wall to the right side, would be more efficient that way. The less bends the better
  7. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    twostrokenut a very cool nick. I too love my 2 strokes. My TZ250 and KX250 were 2 strokes, god I loved running my Blendzall castor oil though them! Anyway thank you for the thumbs up. I been using hydro for many years on and off growing hot peppers, so I got my feet wet doing that. Just a...
  8. Mr John

    Another possible hermie? Lemon Haze & White Label seeds.

    Been to Christchurch 2x now. Beautiful country! Love the Speight's beer too
  9. Mr John

    2weeks into flower but still can't tell if they are male or female

    Too young to tell, they look small. How many weeks from seed? What strain? Did you go to the link and read it
  10. Mr John

    2weeks into flower but still can't tell if they are male or female

    Cant help without pics but go here and see if this helps ya.
  11. Mr John

    WSLCB says keep home grows for medical marijuana

    What it is it sounds like a compromise to me and pretty sensible one at that, well 6 plants only 3 veg kinda stinks. Would rather have 6 in any state I wanted but it's better than not being able to legally grow anymore.
  12. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    I love me fresh tomatos
  13. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    6 days later since my last pict putting these ladies just over 2 weeks old. Got PH under control and nutes are at 390ppm. Once the young ones are bigger Ill boost up 500-600 ppm. Folks do they look ok?
  14. Mr John

    How's my Blue Dream looking?

    You should keen an eye on your PH for Hydro IMO
  15. Mr John

    RO filtration system

    Mobile please read up on the DI part of that system.... From what I read we do not want our water DI'd (De-Ionozed)
  16. Mr John

    RO filtration system

    The Hydro-Logic can do that yea. The basics from what I read have to do with water pressure differences, its got some science behind the happenings which is over my head. Sorry not sure if your linked system can hook up to the faucet.
  17. Mr John

    RO filtration system

    Got mine from amazon, Hydro-logic Stealth 200, Reverse Osmosis System Hooks to your faucet, takes my tap water from 100+ down to 003 ppm and takes the PH from 7.8 down to 7. Yes RO water is the best you can do for your ladies. Gives you total control over your water. I found RO water is...
  18. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    What height above your ladies are you at with the IG420? I am at 20 inches and that seems plenty close to me... Plants seem fine, maybe leaves are a little dry but that may because of my low RH
  19. Mr John

    PIA Adjusting PH

    Ok got it. Using my RO water my PH is now 7.2 When I add my nutes the PH drops down to 5.2 range, so something is up with my regular tap water and its buffering abilities. Glad I invested in RO, the nutes drop the PH into range without any adjustments needed. Oh and PPM goes from 100+ down to...
  20. Mr John

    How's my Blue Dream looking?

    Looking real nice and healthy to me! Good job