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  1. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Early buds and leaves getting sticky!
  2. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Great news indeed!
  3. Mr John

    where the buds?

    You picked the wrong hobby my man if you are not the patient type. Go score some from a friend for now, like the others said you got at least a month to two months ahead of you.
  4. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    My ladies @ 13 days flower. Funny the plant on the right is a c99, the same as the plants on the left! (#1 and #2 picture has the c99 shorty), picture #3 closeup of pistils, is this where the buds will grow out of?
  5. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    I never got to grow with the Lumigrow 325 ;-( Otherwise I sure would have a comparo between the two for sure. Would have been ideal in the 3x2 tent. Same back at you, great conversation!
  6. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hey Scotch, Thanks for a very informative reply! I am not able to answer some of your IG420 questions. Ill answer what I can. My medium is those expanded clay pellets and should be very PH neutral, this is my belief and why I use them instead of rockwool and such. I flood my 5 ladies five...
  7. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    A 10 gal Ebb/Flow system
  8. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Flax I will go out on a limb and say it should not get added into the PPM count. It does not add or subtract anything from the growing/flowering stages so I would assume we should not count it. So yea, my overall total PPM is 1200 ish but 300 came from me adding PH down so in reality I should...
  9. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    My c99 and Amnesia stretched and are getting close to the 420, thanks for the info that they can get pretty close without burning. Was getting concerned.Will post update pictures of my ladies later. I do have a newbie question though that I think I know the answer too. I did not realize until...
  10. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hmmmm only four inches? I have my ladies 20 inches away. It sure looks like light damage to me. That brew looks sick and healthy! If you don't find pests I would move the light away, the 420 puts out! I am afraid of moving the 420 any closer, You folks think I should try to move the light...
  11. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Almost went with I-Grow, so glad I took my time and read up on the differences! .I mean the I-Grow isn't horrible or anything, but the Inda-grow is the better choice.
  12. Mr John

    Friend needs advice his second grow after a auto

    Gonna try Jack and Tahoe OG next.
  13. Mr John

    Friend needs advice his second grow after a auto

    Instead of us explaining to your friend have him search for his answers, this way pictures are included and everything. Not trying to be rude or anything like that, but when I started my growing I spent allot of time reading before I asked any questions.
  14. Mr John

    Powdery mildew ruining my life... Someone save me!

    Find another grow area, sounds like PM is allover the shed. You cannot get rid of it IMO.
  15. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Totally love the quality and output of my 420 and love how IG keeps up to date with the growers
  16. Mr John

    A51 XGS 190 arrived, distance from light and a deficiency?

    You can buy some epsom salt for the Mag, not sure what to do about the Cal
  17. Mr John

    I need a little advice

    Dog I would not use anything like plastic or whatever to block out light, too suspicious. I have a HOA also and to keep prying eyes out I use blinds and heavy (thick) curtains. There is no way to see thru both layers and it looks normal to them. Any blackout technique is gonna draw attention, it...
  18. Mr John

    Should you use your real name when ordering seeds?

    You will love Bonza! I have three orders from them over the last 7 months and everything arrived safe and sound. And every bean popped too.
  19. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Very cool Idea