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  1. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    The way I look at it, for those that truly think it is a scam or is extremely expensive I would simply advise not using it at all. For those that understand it and know that they can find great product at good prices then go for it. It is a personal choice anyways. Yes there are scams on the...
  2. fenderlove01

    Ok now click on the key created under the key manager and click the export button and export it...

    Ok now click on the key created under the key manager and click the export button and export it to your desktop or where ever you want. Then open it in notepad. Copy EVERYTHING and send that to me :). After that I will send you mine and we can send messages that are encrypted back and forth.
  3. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    You have to be smart and tech savvy, something tells me you are not very tech savvy and I am not sure how smart you are. You don't know what you are talking about but it really doesn't matter. But good luck, if someone like you started selling without having the first clue as to what they were...
  4. fenderlove01

    Ok well start it up and on the top click Keys, then hit New key... When you create a key use a...

    Ok well start it up and on the top click Keys, then hit New key... When you create a key use a fake name, then a fake email address. And then create a passphrase, and if it asks you to make a back up click do it later.
  5. fenderlove01

    Download this: I will show you how to set it up and then I will send...

    Download this: I will show you how to set it up and then I will send you messages that way.
  6. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    You suck at research then. I pay nearly half that for an oz of top shelf stuff on the same market. Noob is a noob
  7. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    I need to start watching tv again I guess. I don't trust tv's, I feel they are evil tools used by governments to subliminally control my mind and thoughts. I already have 6,7,12, and 13 daemons/demons/angels trying to control me. I sure as hell don't need another entity crawling through my mind...
  8. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    I may be crzy but I do believe the voices are real. And hey now! At least I don't drink anymore! You gotta give me some credit. Drinking is bad, last time I drank I remembered nothing. But my ex who I was living with at the time told me I was in the bathroom screaming about how my head was...
  9. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    Nah I don't drink. And I am completely sober, I am only normal when I am high. I am schizophrenic. So when I am sober people call me out for being high because I act high, but when I am high it calms me down and the voices go away so I don't act high. Right now as I said I am sober, so I seem...
  10. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." - Socrates "I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing." - Socrates "To know, is to...
  11. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    Well my language skills are crap. You should read the apology, it was written by Plato and describes his first hand account of Socrates's trial before he was put to death. My words are ugly and jumbled usually. But the apology is a masterpiece, it is art.
  12. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    Dude it totally is. You have no idea what you just did, now I know you are wise. You just admitted you had no idea what I just said, just as I admitted I had no idea what you said the first time. You know who else admitted this? Socrates, the greatest philosopher of all time said he only knew...
  13. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    Shit I read your thing and it sounds beautiful, but I can't figure out what it means! But wait... isn't that also the duality of the universe? It is coherent, therefore it must equally be dis-coherent. Genius, you sir are genius.
  14. fenderlove01

    one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination

    consciousness actually plays a huge part in how the physical world materializes. The physical world is merely a interpretation of the quantum world our brain creates. So even your most fundamental physical senses like sight and hearing are forms of imagination. Think about it, unless something...
  15. fenderlove01

    Do aliens exist?...Please explain in detail your reasoning.

    They most definitely do, I mean there is one to the left of this message. What other proof do you need? No, but being serious I absolutely am convinced aliens exist. I am obsessed with the Sumerian culture and if you spend enough time studying their texts, and way of life it is quite obvious all...
  16. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    Yeah but if you are not a large dealer you are not a target, guarantee that. And even though tor isn't 100% anonymous network you can do many things to improve security. 3rd party network(like starbucks)-Tor-VPN and you are nearly a ghost. You can even change your MAC address every time you...
  17. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    Download the tor browser and then enter the url: silkroad6ownowfk.onion And pgp is required by almost all vendors for obvious security reasons. This is also easy to do but I can't describe it in one sentence. And bitcoins are the only acceptable form of payment. But they are not hard to get, I...
  18. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014 this is a great place to buy btc. It is local and very hard to trace, especially if you tumble your coins using bitcoin fog.
  19. fenderlove01

    Silkroad 2014

    The silkroad is an ok market, there are better ones out there. Been "looking" at these markets for a couple years now. It isn't like I have ever used them... but if anyone would like to know how to do it safely send me a pm :). I can also point you towards the best marijuana vendors.
  20. fenderlove01

    What would cause a beautiful bud to smoke harshly?

    That actually sounds right. It tasted like chemicals when smoked.