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  1. fenderlove01

    What is this white thing growing next to and killing my young plant!?!?

    Well it didn't take much at all, I just kind of dug around it and I was able to pull it out (including the roots). I dug a little bit more to see if I could find anymore roots but I couldn't so I think it is finished. It looks like a mushroom to me but I do not know here is a picture.
  2. fenderlove01

    What is this white thing growing next to and killing my young plant!?!?

    I was planning on it but I am afraid lol. I will try it though. Should I use a knife or something to cut the roots carefully?
  3. fenderlove01

    What is this white thing growing next to and killing my young plant!?!?

    I have tried to research this and couldn't find a similar story and I have no idea what it is. Just to give a layout of my stuff I am growing one plant under 8 23watt CFL's (half 2700k, half 5000k). Because I did this all under a really low budget I settled for mg organic soil, and am using two...
  4. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    This is like the 10th day into the grow. The plant hasn't really gotten any bigger in the past 5-6 days what do you think could be the cause?
  5. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    Well the one on the right still isn't coming out but the left one looks good. How many days would you wait to remove the right one if it still doesn't break the soil? Also if I end up having to remove the right pot do you think because the one pot would have the same twice as much light without...
  6. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    I watered for the second time this morning and I checked a few hours ago and noticed the plant on the left has finally broke the soil sticking out around an inch so I am so happy to see this. I think I see the one on the right coming out barely but I can't tell if it is just my eyes playing...
  7. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    I want a ph meter I am going to wait a few weeks and probably pick one up. As far as the nutes I am going to use mg all purpose plant food which has a ratio of 12-4-8 (this for veg). And for flowering I got the mg plant food spikes which are 6-12-6. It seems the nutes in these are relatively low...
  8. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    thank you guys and my plan (if my money allows for it) is to put some more lights on the sides/bottom. And if I can afford it I may replace all 8 of the current lights with the 55w ones so I can have a greater yield when I harvest. But for now I am happy with what I have and just need to put in...
  9. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    Well here was my new idea which has now come to life. I pretty much just cut out the top of the box and used bamboo sticks I found outside to support the lights pointing downwards on the plants. Whenever I need the lights to be raised I simply cut holes for the bamboo in a higher place which...
  10. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    hmmm.... you have just inspired me with an awesome idea. I am going to build a horizontal platform thingy majig which can be lowered and raised as needed. Sweet! I totally have this pictured just give me a day or two and I should have the fan thing and this platform thing built. And this...
  11. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    Yes I am right on the ventilation thing. What sucks is all my spare computer parts are back home with my father because I had just so much of it I couldn't bring it and it is like an hour drive. And I know I have like three power supplies which I always kept for when I drained and refilled my...
  12. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    I think you may have been right about the temps shaded420. It is getting a little bit hotter, maybe up to 5 degrees hotter than the rest of my home. I went ahead and put foil over the very top to lights and the back lights in a way that I feel it is directing it towards the pots better so...
  13. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    LOL that guy is pretty funny to listen to and watch. I am going to do the foil thing to see if I can direct the light so awesome that works because I already have foil. He made me sad when he said the 23w lights were worthless :( but its all I got so hopefully it will do the job. I literally...
  14. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    Do you think I could harvest around 3 ounces total for both plants? That is kind of my goal. And yes I did germinate the seeds and them placed them in the soil. And I will probably place a few pc fans in there (got tons around since I build servers, computers, etc... all the time). As far as...
  15. fenderlove01

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    I am quite new at growing, so I may need some advice as to how I can improve my design and stuff. I am using 8xcfl 23 watt lights (half 2700k, half 5000k). My grow box is small, maybe 1.5x2.5 and I covered the inside with white paper. The pots are fairly small as well, 8.3 inches in diameter and...