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  1. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its a 65w cfl and its about 24C in there, but it fluxuates a lot with the weather. Its now day 67 and a lot of her leaves are turning brown. I think I might cut her tomorrow and start drying as I'm going away for the weekend. She smells very weedy:D
  2. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Thank you ShadyAftermath thats lovely to hear. I think you should try it man. Its day 60 and my baby has moved to my sisters as the temperature does not fluctuate as much there, and the humidity is better. An English grower once told me to let autos go to 65 or 68 days for better flavor, and a...
  3. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its day 54 and I do appologize for the lack of updates. I have moved into a new place, but after finding disgusting amounts of mold all around this house I will be moving again in two weeks. Its rather exhausing hauling all your crap from one place to the other. My baby is not very happy in her...
  4. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Here are some pictures of her. Having humidty and temperature issues. Also I have to move house next week so I am trying to plan how to best move her discreetly (either in the dead of night or super early in the morining). Im moving to a very dodgy area, so once she has grown and flowered I may...
  5. M

    Mewk's Tiny PC Grow / 69w CFL / 12-12FS / Soil

    Your lst is actually amazing! What a beauty!
  6. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Shes 40 days old today! She has developed more budding sites which is amazing. Going to have to trim and re-lst her before work tomorrow, but for today I'll leave her alone. i havent taken any pictures today I'm afraid but will have some tomorrow.
  7. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    So its been a bit of a challange keeping the humidity where I want it, as the weather keeps fluxuating between freezing and really hot over here. Its day 36 and I'm condsidering trimming her again on Friday, but I'm really not sure. Some of her fan leaves were looking a bit burned, so I undid...
  8. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its day 33 now and she seems to have recovered well from the trim she was given. The pictures are of her after her trim (was about 3 days ago) and the last 3 pictures are of her today. I was going to start feeding her a low amount of nutes, but I have read conflicting thigs about giving...
  9. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Just a quick update. My housemate has been sending me pictures of her and has had to trim her again as she is outgrowing her box quite quickly. Apperently she is starting to smell as well, but I'll have to deal with that when I get back. Hopefully my housemate didnt trim too much. She is still...
  10. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Day 26 and not much change. Ive tightened up her lst, but thats it. As I said I have removed one blub, so she is currently only undre one 65w blub. Should I put the other one back in or just leave it out? I'm trying to stunt her growth a bit as she only really has another inch of usable space to...
  11. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its day 25 and I've had to trim her as she was over flowing from her cab. Not sure how she is going to handel it. Also today had to remove one of the ligths as she was starting to get burned. If she makes it to tomorrow Ill try and figure something better out. PC cases really are very small...
  12. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its Day 21 and shes bigger. Ive had to prop one of my lights up as she was getting very close to it. With her growing so quickly right now I am very concerned that she will outgrow her space. I have been reading about topping and think I may have to soon. Any advice on the matter anyone? Also if...
  13. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Hey there its day 19 now and shes chillin. Should have planted her at the side of the pot and lst sideways rather than try go two ways at once. Its going to be messy. Oh well I'm still just so happy shes alive :mrgreen:.
  14. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Day 17 and I have tried my hand at lst. I did some last night but this evening had to redo most of it. One of the fan leaves got its tip nipped off by the fan as she grew a lot over the night. Shes very thirsty and Ive started misting her before watering. The water on the leaves however does...
  15. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Hey guys shes gotten big. Its day 16 and I finally got all my lst stuff together but I haven't started yet. To be honest if anyone has any good links to lsting articles they would be much appriciated as I'm not even sure where to begin.
  16. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Day 15 and shes seems happy with her new lights but it does get very hot in her cab still.
  17. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Day 13 having massive temperature issues as it is too hot in there right now. The temp keeps creeping over 27C which is not good, but I have to go to work and just hope for the best.
  18. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Its day 12 and she has grown quite a lot over the past day. Unfortunatly I don't have a picture of her as my camera wouldnt turn on today, but hopefully it will sort its self out. I plan on begining my lst in two days along with changing the light blubs to red spectrum ones. I probably won't...
  19. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Here she is on day 11. No news really to update
  20. M

    PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil

    Hey Mr. Ganja thank you for the advice. I have been watering her before I take every picture, and have been watering her with about half a pint of water a day (280 mililiters). I check to see if the soil is still moist first however. As it is such a small space she does dry out alarmingly fast...