Search results

  1. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Order greenlacewing larvae and they'll destroy those whiteflies , they'll eat the eggs to and you'll get the rest off your shake n spray lol, bring your garden to life
  2. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Found ruby on youtube
  3. Soilgrownsmile

    Advice on when to germinate for outdoor So Cal grow

    Oh man he should've started them last October ... :wall: Lol
  4. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Lol I just heard that the other day, I turned it up haha
  5. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    No but the ones I know smoke and drink a lot lol
  6. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Why not?
  7. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Good afternoon! Sorry I missed this earlier , how's it goin !
  8. Soilgrownsmile

    flowering in february

    Idk they look happy, are you stressin?
  9. Soilgrownsmile

    flowering in february

    What's your info ph etc
  10. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    This grape krush is showing a little bit too much cleavage ;) lol
  11. Soilgrownsmile

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

  12. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Check out endomaxx :)
  13. Soilgrownsmile

    any reccomendations

    @gorealuhgrow I tried helping, I don't enjoy your narcissism or negative energy. There is info here, tons of it, I gave you other sources of information when my help was not enough and unwanted. Best of luck to you, happy gardening
  14. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Gorgeous nuggs! I bet they smell wonderful!
  15. Soilgrownsmile

    any reccomendations

    I think they say ok bcuz your asking questions that are answered in numerous threads , I hope what I said helped, I work so I took time outta my day to try to help, also if your using synthetics why build a soil? You left a pretty heavy open ended question by not specifying . Start with what you...
  16. Soilgrownsmile

    any reccomendations

    Not familiar with a few of your additives, if your growing in a fenced area then your ok, things like blood or fish related gets a lot of wildlife in your garden ripping up plants to find the dead shit, with saying that, I would also add some kelp meal or make sure to brew it in your teas, half...
  17. Soilgrownsmile

    any reccomendations

    Shoot us some more info, you kinda left out like a ton of info unless it works for you ,but then why ask? What nutes? Organic line, synthetic line ? How much of the ammendments are you using at what rate? Why not just inoculate your soil with acts to make all that stuff more available , so you...
  18. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Looks awesome, love early smoke
  19. Soilgrownsmile

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    Lookin great doublejj
  20. Soilgrownsmile

    Newbie. Think my plants sick :(

    What are you feeding, ph levels?