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  1. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

  2. Soilgrownsmile

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

    Damn that's the best pheno lol
  3. Soilgrownsmile

    Outdoor Strains for Piedmont Region (SE)

    When does the ssh finish?
  4. Soilgrownsmile

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

  5. Soilgrownsmile

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

    Vnsmkr grows fire
  6. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Those damn Latinas, always like, Por que
  7. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    I only have like 6 channels and five are in Spanish Lol
  8. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Ahaha Irwin and his online degrees * I miss shark week
  9. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Dingo training 101, with ru-chucknorris-by
  10. Soilgrownsmile

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

    200 gallons nice!
  11. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    I heard ruby taught crocodile Dundee how to tame wildabeasts and dingos
  12. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    I think about working out all the time , but I try to roll enough joints to stay in shape :hump:
  13. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    You were pushing the world up when you thought you were doin push-ups earlier bro * bcuz Australia is down unda
  14. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Roo raised crocs , high in protein
  15. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Ruby probably feeds Roos to his crocodiles to fatten them up, he's tough like that
  16. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Kangaroo bacon, down under
  17. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Nuggs must be watering today
  18. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Have you ever seen two trichogamma wasps stuck to a piece of duct tape in Australia?
  19. Soilgrownsmile

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Damnit chip!