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  1. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    No I am all female. I know what I like to do with my mans hard on. :)
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Clones are yellow and droopy

    Ok I will put mine in the shade. Been cloudy all day so that might help. Should I keep them outside or bring them in at night? Been around 23 C all week and is going to get to 30 on the weekend. Should I give them 20-20-20 at all or wait till they get into pots? I guess I should ask in a PM...
  3. IHaveSixCats

    Your favorite way to hide a boner

    I have a vagina so I would have no idea.
  4. IHaveSixCats

    Clones are yellow and droopy

    I am trying to do clones outside. Will that works? It has been hot here. No direct sun but there is tons of light coming through my clear roof on the porch. Sorry not to hijack your thread. I started y clones myself in sunshine soil no ferts and rooting powder. they don't look to bad...
  5. IHaveSixCats

    I will need some help along the way

    I started a bunch of seeds in April. Most didn't make it and then I had 5 good ones. My cats ate 2. Then they were looking good and then one turned male. I am sure one is female and the other I thought hermie at first but is looking like there is no balls. So I am trying to clone the one...
  6. IHaveSixCats

    First time grower need help determining sex of my plants.

    Shit I think my best one is a male or a hermi. Fuck. My other 2 look crappy but who knows how they will turn out. Was trying to find someone who grew some so I could buy off them but no luck. I started my seeds April first so no time to start new ones. :(
  7. IHaveSixCats

    2015 Outdoor Summer Grow in BC

    I started my purple kush seeds side March 31. I ended up with 4 from 12 and now it looks like I only have 2 as my cats must of eaten the tops off two of them thinking they were cat nip. I will see if maybe they will grow but I am not holding my breath. I would like to buy a couple plants...
  8. IHaveSixCats

    How and when did you lose your virginity?

    I bet every guy that read that was hard and had to whack off during or after.
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Am I ready yet cause I've been growing for 5 months at least

    Oh I forgot to say that while she was outside I was growing her sideways so the neighbors couldn't see her. She looks that way cause I had to prop her up with a stick so I could move her inside and out. I grew all my plants sideways this summer cause last year they were all 6' and way to hard...
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Am I ready yet cause I've been growing for 5 months at least

    My fan leaves are dying. I get to go outside everyday and come in at night with a fan on me but when will I be ready? I am an easy wonder worrier skunk. I was planted in April or May, my grower didn't write it down and can't remember. Can't even remember when I started flowing. So now she...
  11. IHaveSixCats

    Leaves changing colour

    I have one plant left that seems to like getting a few small bud rots. I look at her everyday and cut what I see below where it is. I sterilize everything after. I put her outside during the day when it is sunny and bring her in and put her in front of an isolating fan in the dark in my garage...
  12. IHaveSixCats

    is she ready??

    I flushed one year and it went bad fast. Bud rot all over the place. lost so many. It just seems to cold for that and not worth risking bud rot. I only use organic so what would I be flushing out?
  13. IHaveSixCats

    Growing auto early wonder skunk for seeds

    I tried another one this year and she is looking great but I just found 3 tiny rod rots. They have been snipped out and the rest looks great. Auto flowering my fuckin female ass. I have had this plant growing for four months now so wtf? I won't be growing the rest of the seeds I have for...
  14. IHaveSixCats

    The "I just masturbated" thread

    When my new dildo and bullet come in the ail I'll let you all know. Bahahahah Ok sorry I just had to post.
  15. IHaveSixCats

    How Often Do You Shower..?

    I like to have a showerbath. I like to have the shower running with the plug in to fill the tub and listen to the water hitting the water. I really want a hot tub cause I would be in it every night with a cold dink, I mean drink. I like to keep my lady parts all nice and clean and shaved so...
  16. IHaveSixCats

    Getting ready to dry

    I had no time to trim or clip the leaves off after I cut down and I regret not waiting. They have been drying for a few days and it is more of a pain to try and get the leaves off now. My last plant I will make sure I do the leaves and trim before hanging to dry. I found bud rot on one of the...
  17. IHaveSixCats

    Las Vegas police bust pot grower who put his crop on YouTube

    How did they find out just over youtube?
  18. IHaveSixCats


    We build a catio so most of the time they are out there lounging besides at night when summer is over. I have only 5 now, my 18 year old died July 25th. :( Yup that was her last feeding for sure. So you think she needs to be warmer then in the garage? I can either put a heater out there or I...
  19. IHaveSixCats


    I can't remember when I started the seed or when it first started to flower but I thought an auto flowering was shorter. I have a early warrior skunk and she has been growing for at least 4 months. She is in full flower. It has turned cold and damp here so she comes into the garage at night...