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  1. IHaveSixCats


    Neighbors suck. I have one who needs to just die.
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I am so sad. My largest Kush got bod rot and I lost half of her. I decided to chop and start the drying or I could lose the whole plant and my others. I decided to take down all 3 Kush. I still have one skunk and she is a ways from ready so she goes into the garage at night and out into the...
  3. IHaveSixCats


    1st PK Kush 2nd PK Kush 3rd PK Kush 4th Skunk These pictures where taken a week and a half ago I think. So I snipped off all the rot and cut them and now they are hanging to dry. I kept the leaves on cause I didn't have the time to take them off yet. Never done it this way before but I have...
  4. IHaveSixCats


    Well I was told they were due on the 16th but then was told another week or two. I hope maybe they were done. Still got one pretty big lady so I will take her in at night. Just one day cause they were fine yesterday.
  5. IHaveSixCats


    I had to bring them down. Got one girl skunk left and will be bringing her into my garage at night.
  6. IHaveSixCats


    I just went out to have a look and they must of got dew and I lost half of one. PLEASE tell me I can take the 3 down. I don't know what to do. I will get pictures. They are in a gazebo with walls but I think the roof has a few tiny leaks. I can put another tarp over the top but it still gets...
  7. IHaveSixCats

    Leaves changing colour

    I have 2 that the leaves have turned yellow as well. Is that a sign they are ready?
  8. IHaveSixCats

    Ready or Not

    Wow that Jack Frost looks cool. I might need to get my paws on some seeds.
  9. IHaveSixCats

    good to harvest?

    It's the how do you it's the last 7 days? I have looked at all the sites to tell but I am still trying to make sure I have the right time. I was told it would be around the 16th of this months and here we are at the 25th. I will do some more looking. Maybe in the next few days post some more...
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Checking Tri-Chromes with 60x Mag, help

    I just take my time and wear a glove as they are sticky as fuck.
  11. IHaveSixCats

    good to harvest?

    Or when you are worried you might get ratted out cause your kid dumped her 14 year old bf. Or your neighbor is gone off the deep end and is a complete fucktard and a half. Though he grows too. I was just out looking at mine. I see so much cloudy tri's. I want it to be done already. Just not...
  12. IHaveSixCats

    help outdoor rain emergency

    I put up and easy up gazebo over mine cause the forecast was saying it was going to pour and it has. Has been great as they are not getting wet at all. I also have 4 walls 3 with windows for light to get in. Maybe consider that.
  13. IHaveSixCats

    good to harvest?

    The end is the worst. Waiting and waiting. I have been waiting a couple weeks and still told to wait longer. I even have a loop but still am having trouble figuring it out. It's gotta be soon for 3 of my 4. I have them in a gazebo now cause the rain is here and I don't want bud rot like last year.
  14. IHaveSixCats

    Rippers came this morning

    Only thing I worry about right now is my daughter's X. He is only a teenager but smokes everyday and has no money. He does know I have security cameras all over so maybe he wouldn't be stupid enough to try and steal any. Plus they are in 21" pots so no way walking away with them unless they...
  15. IHaveSixCats

    No more growing for me...

    That is crazy for one plant. I think the cops here would just laugh as they have better things to do. I have heard you are allowed up to 5 plants for personal use in BC. Anyone confirm that? Not that it is legal, just that they won't bother unless you have a grow op. Hope things work out...
  16. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I set up the gazebo and near the end of the day the sun shines right on them. I can take off the top if needed but with the whole week saying rain I probably won't. I hope they will get enough of the sun if there is some. I rather then not get rained on cause I worry about bud rot. I can...
  17. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I am going out to check mine after the rain here on the west coast. going to piss all week so I think it might be time to put up the gazebo. This helped last year. What about the cold nights though? Last year I put a fan out there so they got air movement. What do you all think?
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I was told to wait longer. I really hate the end cause the rain is coming. We had a great day today, really hot. Tomorrow is suppose to be fine but like I said, the rain is coming. I am thinking of putting up my gazebo to make sure they don't get rained on and I get bud rot.
  19. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I think number 2 is going to come down tomorrow even though the buds aren't really that big. What do you all think? Maybe number 3 as well. I just fed the skunk.
  20. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Growing Pk Kush as I was told it is and skunk in BC. Last week it rained and I saw a tiny bit of bud rot. Got rid of it. I am so waiting for the girls to be done. I know my skunk has a ways to go. I usually set up my gazebo but not sure if I want to do that this year. I have moved 2 to a...