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  1. IHaveSixCats

    I hate the end. I want to harvest now. lol

    I hate the end. I want to harvest now. lol
  2. IHaveSixCats

    I've got me a skunk worrier and 3 PK Kush plants. I so want to do something new next year like...

    I've got me a skunk worrier and 3 PK Kush plants. I so want to do something new next year like a blur or purple.
  3. IHaveSixCats


    Holy shit. I just had an orgasm over that plant. It it wasn't so sticky I would want to rub it on my boobies.
  4. IHaveSixCats

    Flower Porn

    Pssst. Just to let you know I have tits. Bahahahaha <~~~~~All female here. Funny I was thinking the same thing about your moms cat walking out into the road. I know my girl had arthritis and winters were hard for her. At least I still have 5 more to cuddle and love. :)
  5. IHaveSixCats

    Outdoor grow

    I also had a fan going in the gazebo tent and left a small hole for venting. I am still new at this but last year there was so much rain and I got so worried. Good luck. Let us know what you decide to do.
  6. IHaveSixCats

    32 year old seeds

    I want to watch this thread too. lol
  7. IHaveSixCats

    Flower Porn

    I actually just lost my 18 year old July 25th so I only have 5 now. I'm having a really hard time with it. She used to love the outdoors just as much as my plants did. lol I will look into how to get my hands on some of those seeds. I really would like to try something fun and different...
  8. IHaveSixCats

    Anyone Ever Tried

    Sex with ignorant men. Bahahahaha Sorry it's late and i've had a few.
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Outdoor grow

    If you're worried about the rain could you put a gazebo above them and when it's nice take the roof off? I did this last year. Gazebo with walls and during the nice days the roof came off and one side was open to the sun.
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    I'm in the same boat about affording seeds. that's why I keep using the PK Kush ones from 2011 when my first grow seeded cause I had no clue what a male looked like till it was to late. lol Now I see one ball and it's gone. lol I was thinking maybe there should be a seed exchange on here if...
  11. IHaveSixCats

    Flower Porn

    OMG I want to grow a purple. Is it good for outdoors in BC/Vancouver?
  12. IHaveSixCats

    Northern lights. Who else enjoys it??

    Tried them last year but the buds were small. Going to try again next year.
  13. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Dick's with cunts. Sorry I have no idea either. lol
  14. IHaveSixCats

    HELP!!! Is my She really a he? Possible Hermie

    Even I know balls when I see them. Sorry female joke. I'm still new at this but I know a set of balls when I see them. lol *snicker*
  15. IHaveSixCats

    Anyone Like Albino Girls?

    I have 2 cousins who are and they are native. People think of them as gods like the white spirit bear. OMFG I want seeds of that plant. Who can send me some? lol
  16. IHaveSixCats

    got jacked

    Cameras to find out if you know them. Paint ball gun? You can bruise the crap out of them but make sure they know what it is and not a real gun. Trip wire face planting into shit. You gotta shit somewhere so why not put it to use. Bahahaha
  17. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    This is the girl that I found 2 seeds in. Skunk. I will try to grow them next year and see how they do. She was yummy.
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    My first year when I had no idea what I was doing. lol 2011 I got a couple females but a few seeded. I still have the seeds and use them year after year. I've come so far. lol
  19. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    Ok I have a question. So when you have a female and you find a seed or two does that mean that you most likely has a banana? And if so do you think those seeds would produce a good plant?
  20. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    I just read that page and holy crap I know have learned something new.