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  1. IHaveSixCats

    Members telling me my plants are hermies?

    I had a few one year. Got rid of them right away.
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    Nope. That is Hailey in the background. She is a ragdoll and so is her granddaughter the one in the front. First picture is Hailey. Second is all four of my ragdolls. They are all related. I used to breed till I found out how many cats and kittens were in shelters around here. Plus I had...
  3. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    They did look nice at that time but by the time the end of October came they had most and didn't bud well. This year is a better year. I have one early wonder skunk solar warrior and she is doing well. The other 3 I was told were PK Kush but looking online at pictures they just don't look...
  4. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    Ok I will be on here with pictures again next week to see what you think. I want to do it right this year. Last years northern lights sucked so bad. We have sun for the next 2 weeks so they say so that is great. I see mold on my tomatoes and have been cutting it off to make sure it won't...
  5. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Wow. I am so sorry. All that hard work. My growing mine sideways is just cause my neighbor turned out to be a crazy person and he is trying to do anything to get me in trouble with anyone. He is trying to turn the other neighbors against us and has called the city for stupid things and the...
  6. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    I'M TRYING. lol Last year I had mold but I was into October. Plus I never lollypopped or topped like I did this year and only got small bud. Every year is more of a learning experience. Thanks for the help. Guess I will be asking you next week. lol And the week after and so on just to...
  7. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    It must be close. Can anyone tell me? Do I have to see amber cause I hear some people say that they never see any. It is so sticky and smells so yummy. I know I have time with the other 3 but this one was the first to flower i just forgot to write down when that was. lol
  8. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Someone came into your back yard and stole one of your plants? Holy crap. I have security cameras all over my house so I don't think anyone would have the balls to try. Plus it is hard to get into my back yard. I am in BC as well and I have 4 plants. One small one no idea why it didn't grow...
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I love it.
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    The one in the back in Skunk and the other 2 are PK Kush. The one on the right has to be ready soon. I am waiting to see at least one amber but what it I don't see any? I am not very good at knowing even though I have a loop. I grow them sideways cause of my neighbors. I lolly popped then...
  11. IHaveSixCats

    BC god bud

    Do you know anyone who has an aquarium with fish in it? If you do a gravel wash you can use the fish shit. My plants just love it. I have also used miracle grow. Fish organic fertilizer is what I am using. I bought it from a flower shop.
  12. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    I do have bigger balls then a few guys I know. lol
  13. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    For me it's just getting them down cause I am always worried about someone coming over and narking. They are pretty hidden and you would have to look right at them to see them really. Like I said I have an asshole neighbor who knows i grow cause he used to till this summer when I cut his fence...
  14. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    I am not a stoner, I only smoke about twice a month. I have only smoked 3 times all summer. I understand that most people think anyone who smokes it is a stoner. My asshole neighbor smokes 20 joints a day, vaporizes as well as eats edibles. Now he is fucked. He has gone batshitcrazy. I am...
  15. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    Ok thanks. Oh by the way I have tits and no dick. Bahahahaha <<<<Female *snicker*
  16. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    Thank you so much. I thought I needed to wait a bit more but needed someone to say it. lol I do have a loop. I actually purchased one that you can use with your iphone and take pictures. I look everyday but just wasn't to sure. Didn't want to go harvest to early. I have two other ones...
  17. IHaveSixCats

    What is the criminal charge for 1-5 plants in Canada?

    I only have 4 small plants this year. One is only 2' tall. lol I only grow for personal use as I have arthritis in both knees. I don't want to buy not knowing what is in it. If i grow my own i know every thing that has been put into the soil and it is all organic. Just had a few people say...
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Penile implants

    Ok I have to put my 2 cents in here. Yes I am female. If you are like 4" or smaller then you have an issue but if you are at least 6 you should be fine if you know how to work it. Most chicks have their G spot around 6" in from what I have heard from my friends. A lot of us cringe at the...
  19. IHaveSixCats

    Still Learning.

    Still Learning.
  20. IHaveSixCats

    Need A Little Help

    I am not sure if I should go ahead and harvest now or wait and see. They are pretty sticky and the Tri's are cloudy. Should I wait to see one amber or just go ahead and harvest? There are still sunny days ahead but I hate to wait to long. These are PK Kush. No I have no idea when I planted...