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  1. CBDFarm

    Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

    Everyone should be able to make a living wage that they can live on... Even McDonald's employees... It's pretty sad to see a lot of people get angry about losing a small margin of profit....Hell you are paying someone a living wage... Why would you rather see them do horribly only to gain an...
  2. CBDFarm

    tom brady should take a lie detector test

    Are you guys all really arguing this.... Brady IS guilty, BUT he doesn't deserve to be suspended for 4 games as the legal policy for ball tampering is a 25k fine.... Do i think it should be worse yes.... But that's the policy in place... So yes Brady is a cheater, but according to the NFLs own...
  3. CBDFarm

    Everything MMA Thread

    McGregor is gonna lay Aldos ass out. (if Aldo doesn't run away again) Hopefully they both stand up and strike it out, I do not want to see them lay on each other for 5 rounds...
  4. CBDFarm

    Post Your NFL team here and Predict their record

    What excuses? LOL It's the truth... The Pats beat a preseason steelers more or less... I would say the same if the Steelers beat the Pats without Brady,Gronk,edlemen, etc... It's just not the same for me.
  5. CBDFarm

    Post Your NFL team here and Predict their record

    They would have beat the Pats pretty easy if they had bell, bryant,there usual kicker,(i wont even get into pouncey) They did great with what they had.... Im sure they will be 10-6 or better this year
  6. CBDFarm

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    Think of it this way though, you can make whole bunch of seeds :) (if you want) Good luck OP.
  7. CBDFarm

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    Kids make me laugh.
  8. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Love me some tall gals (white widow x orange haze)
  9. CBDFarm

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    Yep rookies like yourself kill me LOL. Man I love when people act like they know it all.
  10. CBDFarm

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    Female calyxs produce hairs, this has none and looks like a pollen sack.
  11. CBDFarm

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    Did you get the feminised seeds from a reputable breeder/bank? Anyway these look like males or hermies.
  12. CBDFarm

    CBD Farms Never Ending Garden

    I know they aren't but i have no complaints haha. The genetic so far look great
  13. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

  14. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

  15. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    That was a nug run and I think that was about 10 OZ of material. Returns are generally 15-25 percent. Lots of factors.
  16. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    urrrrgh I have never been lucky enough to get a purple pheno. No matter how hard I try haha. She is beautiful.
  17. CBDFarm

    Shakes/Tremors From Dabs

    Im fine selling to the clinics that buy from me already LMFAO. See ya.
  18. CBDFarm

    Shakes/Tremors From Dabs

    Yes I do, but I am not going to respond to you anymore hence why I didn't quote you in my first post, as you are obviously a wax snob, and I don't have time for people like that. So have a good one buddy :)
  19. CBDFarm

    The Contributors Thread

    Sounds like they were a little to high when they were making the tea bags haha. Well hopefully you get the new one soon to make up some lost time, and yeah put your stickers on it, they dont deserve the rep.