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  1. CBDFarm

    2lb bho run w/hot water bath purge, help?!

    Oil. So generally you have to turn the skillet/grittle to like 140ish. If you go over 110(on the wax) thats fine but you start to burn terps. So be careful. Getting a temp gun helps if you dont have one already.
  2. CBDFarm

    Question about outdoor

    Not even^^^^^^ Your little guys seem like they are 2-3 feet big, and we only have a few months left to flower left so they wont get much bigger. Out of the couple plants you showed us I would say 1-3 ounces dry weight but they dont even have any weight on them so I am only assuming here. Next...
  3. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Anyway I see a flame war happening Im out LOL. EDIT: You should be golden. Keep fighting especially if they are making money off percentage.
  4. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Keep playing the idiot card while I just posted a factual link LOL.
  5. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Look up the Norml site. 6 mature/6 immature or 12 immature. Couple of amendments though.
  6. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Sad Ohio might legalize before us...
  7. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Make up your mind did they peek over the fence or can they see it from afar? Im done, you didn't even no the legal limit of plants the state allows. Have a good day :)
  8. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    The state allows 12 plants.... 6 immature and 6 mature... Depending on County/lot size. He is in violation by 6 plants, so instead of ripping up all 18 it should only be 6. They would not waste the fees on him to get him with intent to distribute for 18 plants. Hell see all the weed shows...
  9. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Good question to ask too^^^^ LOL wish I could like twice
  10. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    And that right there is an invasion of privacy, something a lawyer would point out and case would have to be dropped. They need to build their case legally and lawfully.Hence why I asked earlier if OP let them in. If OP let them in on his own accord he lost any leverage he has, now if they were...
  11. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    LOL it truly doesn't but keep thinking it does. Good luck OP.
  12. CBDFarm

    2lb bho run w/hot water bath purge, help?!

    Way to much butane. 1 can per ounce of material. (generally)You most likely still have butane trapped based on the amount you used. If you don't have a vacuum set up, get your grittle or whatever you use to give it the water bath turn the heat to about 110F and let it sit for hours until the...
  13. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    What is a "pre-approved warrant" to get a warrant you must first have ample evidence against the person and if you unlawfully got the information the lawyer can help.
  14. CBDFarm

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    I feel you although I have 3 big ones haha Sky Bear(still a puppy 8 months old now at 80 pounds) Old picture though. Roxy
  15. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Not my opinion it's a fact. I would love to see a warrant written out, dated, stamped, signed, processed, then handed to the police, who then plan the search warrant out, suits up and then needs to wait for the correct time to execute that search warrant....(generally in the middle of the night...
  16. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Well I guess we both have our own opinions on the matter. Have a good one. Good luck OP. Hope to see you growing again soon
  17. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    To regulate the dispensaries. The amount you can grow is regulated by how much land you have. Most lots not even being a quarter acre are subjected to the 6/6 rule. It's a good read. NORML has a good site too...
  18. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Yes I have actually. I have one of those terrorists come into my house saying someone called 911 and didnt say anything on the phone, so they were worried ( I was the only one home) and they need to check the house. I said bring me a warrant they said they didn't need one, I threatened them, and...
  19. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    Once again state law trumps county law. Just like how Federal trumps State... Your rec is licensed by the state legally allowing you to grow on your property. Yes it is a grey area, but I would fight it, but thats just me.
  20. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    To get inside your property they do need a warrant. How do they know you have them? They can't just walk in your backyard.(Unless OP let them on his own accord) Laws my friend. And it would only be a 6k in fraction if he is a legal patient as state law trumps county law.