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  1. J

    Soil volume and containers

    I've been filling the 3 gallon containers a little less than half way full. The plants don't use all the water in a week. I could use less soil but it would be getting thin at that point. I may switch to smaller starting pots eventually but they don't seem to mind so far. 400 PPM of a hydroponic...
  2. J

    Soil volume and containers

    I have 3 mediums to try. Promix HP-CC, Promix HP-M, and B'cuzz Hydromix HP. I'm going to try using between 1.5 and 2 gallons of mix in the 3 gallon pots and transfer from there to the 5 gallons. The feeding method the guy at the grow store recommended was feed/water/feed/water... Feed = drain...
  3. J

    Soil volume and containers

    I thought that was the point of soilless medium? A couple of the medias I will be testing come loaded with mycorrhizae but once they've established themselves in the roots I don't think they can be flushed out. I'm wanting to flush once a week to keep PH in the optimal range and prevent salt...
  4. J

    Soil volume and containers

    That would be ideal. It seems like I may have to use three sizes of pots. I'll experiment with both and see which does better. Thanks for the help!
  5. J

    Soil volume and containers

    I don't plan on keeping soil but I would like to avoid constant watering. I will have to think about that. @Underground Scientist thanks for answering the question on gallons per foot. Seems like 3 is on the high end. How often do you water with 1.5-2 per foot?
  6. J

    Soil volume and containers

    Thanks for the reply. I guess the main consideration then would be how often I water. I'm hoping to have a set day once a week to flush and add nutrient solution then water throughout the week as necessary. It seems like with 1 gallon per plant I would be watering every day. Best case, I'd like...
  7. J

    Soil volume and containers

    Thanks for the reply! So it would be better to go from a 1 gallon to a 5 gallon rather than a 3 gallon to a 5 gallon? What if I used 3 gallon pots and only used 1-1.5 gallons of media? I already bought the pots :)
  8. J

    Soil volume and containers

    Hi you guys, I'm not new to growing but new to soilless medium. I've done some looking around for info on how much soil to use but it's never specific... I'm looking for gallons per square foot for growing indoors. For instance if someone was using nine 5 gallon pots in a 4x4 that would be 45...